

  • Robin and his family oneshots

    What happens when your future daughter travels back to the past to play with you and your wife? Chaos that's what happens. Watch as Robin and his wife deal with Morgan in wild adventures while making sure that Chrom doesn't freak out and kill someone.

  • Assassin's Creed Zero

    Louise wanted to prove that she was a mage by summoning the greatest familiar ever. Imagine her shock when she summons a Utahn Assassin to be her familiar. Will he be everything that she wanted in a familiar or will she be forever known as a zero.

  • Zero's Shock Infinite

    All Booker wanted to do was rescue Elizabeth and get his debt wiped away. He didn't want to babysit a pink haired brat named Louise. Will the two every be able to work together and will Booker every be able to get back to Colombia? Maybe, if the two can get along first.

  • Boxed Lunch

    Hermione has been in love with Harry Potter for as long as she can remember. The only problem is, she's having trouble trying to win his heart. Plus it doesn't help that she can't cook to save her life. Follow Hermione as she tries her best to win Harry's heart. One-shot.