

  • Thinking About You

    Stiles should be overjoyed that Lydia finally agreed to be his girlfriend right? Well that's what he thought but since the new girl, Malia showed up, he can't stop thinking about her. He soon realises that all he wants is to be with her. Stiles/Malia. ALL HUMAN.

  • Cloaked

    What if when Kai cloaked Elena he had different reason than just to practise his magic? What if it had more to do with the fact that if Elena was cloaked only he could see her, not even Damon. Kai/Elena.

  • Throwing Slushy's

    Noah Puckerman was the school bad boy, slept with all the cheerleaders, bullied all the losers and all that badass stuff but one thing no one knew, and Puck wanted to keep it that way, that he was madly in love with the school freak/loser, Rachel Berry. Will a threat to Rachel's heart make him confess his true feelings? Puck/Rachel Sam/Rachel.

  • Trouble In Paradise?

    Thomas and Brenda had finally escaped the craziness that was there life, after reaching a so called 'Paradise' . Now, they can worry about normal teenage problems. Will Thomas and Brenda admit there feelings for each other, or will other problems get in the way? Thomas/Brenda.

  • Pretty Little Vampires

    I had to write a fan fiction for English class and I decided to post it. It's a PLL and TVD crossover. When the liars, are on a A hunt and end up in Mystic Falls. Based in season 2, for both shows. It's not really about any ships because it was for class but Stefan and Elena are together and very mild, Spencer/Damon.

  • Need You Now And every time after that

    What if right after their Need You Now duet, Puck and Rachel started secretly dating, and Pucks not too happy with the whole secret thing, so him and Rachel come out and break more hearts than they intended to? Puck/Rachel, Finn/Quinn, Quinn/Sam, and possibly Finn/Rachel and Rachel/Sam.