

  • Mafia Holidays with Demigods

    The Arcobaleno curse has been broken for three months Verde finds himself still living at Kokuyo Land with Mukuro and his gang. When it was his turn to buy the groceries he ends up meeting a beautiful women with such a strange and interesting name. Next thing he knows there's a gift at his door. Rated T just to be safe.

  • To wake a Kuroo

    He could easily get up and make a bowl of cereal or something, but he didn't feel like getting up. Turning to face Kuroo, he nuzzled into his chest. "Kuroo," he said. Waiting for a reply, but got none. First attempt at writing Kuroken and I'm not sure how I did. Based off of the "Simon's Cat" video, "Cat Man Do." I apologize for the bad summary!

  • Familiar faces in Strange Places

    He just wanted to find a new place for a bar in America. That could be harder than he thought, when Kusanagi and Anna return to their hotel for the night, they end up running into Doppelgangers and a demigod who knows a little more than he lets on. T for swearing towards the end, but otherwise it's more K . I suck at summaries. I hope you guys like it!