
dark-angel Luna13

  • Azarath's Rebirth

    Set after Trigon's defeat. When two unexpected visitors arrive at the Titan's Tower, the Titans find themselves involved in fighting the second greatest enemy Azarath, Raven's home dimension, has even faced. A lot is revealed about Raven's life before the Teen Titans. And not all is what it seems (Rated T because I am paranoid)

  • After the Curse Was Broken

    It has been two month after the curse was broken. The wedding of Loveday and Sir Benjamin is coming. Will Robin finally admit his feelings for Maria? Will the arrival of an old friend make Maria want to go back to London? Will Maria realize she likes Robin? I love the movia and Robin and Maria as a couple!

  • Captain Hook's Daughter

    Hook has a daughter. Peter knows nothing of her. She thinks of him as the reason for all her problems and has the need to see him dead. What will happen when she and her father form a plan to capture Peter with her as a bait? Will hatred remain in her heart or will something else take its place? I own nothing except from the daughter.