
  • Veiled Shadows

    Harry Potter dreams that someone close to him is in the Veil. Tempted to know who and for what reason, Harry let the dreams continue. Until one night, he discovers that something grave is about to transpire. He's determined to know why, even though the task is impossible to begin with. (Canon-Divergence. No pairing. Warning: Character Death)

  • A Horcrux's Fate

    Harry Potter survived when the part of Voldemort's soul inside him was destroyed, but it left a terrible price - his soul was tainted. Afraid of hurting everyone he loved, he hid this secret to himself. With only weeks to live, his hope of finding a cure was growing thin. Would his friends find out the truth, before it was too late? Would Harry survive a losing battle, or give up?

  • Troubled Mind

    (ONE-SHOT) Left to his own initiative, Draco Malfoy's mission to kill Albus Dumbledore had gradually become difficult than he had anticipated. With the threat of harm to his family and himself, he began to crumble under the pressure. Alone and scared, he was given an opportunity to confess his fears, only it wasn't who he was expecting - Moaning Myrtle. (Canon - 6th year, HBP)

  • A Love at Stake

    Words left unspoken and feelings unexpressed could be anyone's regret in their lifetime. Lily Potter will know the importance of this as she finds out the terrible fate her son Harry will go through.