Alexandria Pierce

  • When Death Asks A Favor

    Hermione, Successful, brilliant at her job, and the daughter of Death, was asked by her boss and father to do a favor. Collect the Hallows. How will this change the course of history? How will relationships unfold? How is it that the only person Hermione could talk to is a woman with green eyes? How is it that the woman felt the girl was more than what she seemed? Rewrite HG/MM

  • She Was A Mystery Through Time

    Minerva McGonagall, always a mystery, evasive, and rarely forthcoming. Hermione Granger, Ex-Unspeakable, Ex-Head of the Department of Mysteries. In 17, so-called years, what has Hermione learned of our Venerable Scot? Hermione has learned everything there is about her, and has loved the woman in many eras, through endless stretches of time, through the centuries. HGMM fic, OC