
  • Howl

    AU - Remus is a Death Eater and Sirius is really the Potter's secret keeper. When Sirius is captured will Remus be able to get the information Voldemort wants?

  • Advoco Lupum

    Being a werewolf is becoming even more difficult for Remus Lupin. Voldemort's after him, he's all but imprisoned at Hogwarts 'for his own safety,' and his nephew, Sirius and Harry are all driving him up the wall. And what does all this have to do with som

  • Lost and Found

    SB/RL - One used to be the bully, the other the victium. But now that they've found one another, there's still more standing in their way of happyness than just each other.

  • Losing Your Way

    Sirius Black gets a strange letter, meets his best friend for the first time and becomes lost forever in a pair of gold eyes. (pre-slash, prequal to Lost and Found)

  • Friend is a Four Letter Word

    Remus has something he's been hiding from Sirius, but when the secret finaly comes out, he might not be getting the reaction he (or we) was expecting.

  • Scattered to the Four Winds

    *Fanfic Challenge!* The Marauders were all in good old Gryffindor, right? Maybe not. In fact, what if they were each in a different house?

  • From the Ashes

    Tom Riddle is initiated into The Order of the Phoenix. This is a very different take on exactly what the Order is.