

  • Regarding Favorite Cousins

    Sherlock's favorite cousin convinces him to watch her daughter while she travels for work. While initially less than thrilled, the detective finds that he may have at least a little in common with his little cousin. In fact, their encounter may just benefit them both. Please pardon any OOC-ness. Rated T for bullying and violence in later chapters.

  • Three (Working Title)

    What if the Weasley boys befriended a Muggleborn girl during Fred and George's first year. How might having her around change the course of their portion of the story in particular? I'll be honest, I'm still working out a lot of issues with this one. I am going to have fun exploring some of the family dynamic of the Weasleys independent of Harry, though.

  • Polar Forces

    Another tale from the depths of my laptop. Severus Snape encounters a childhood friend he lost contact with after a falling out. How will she influence his fate? This was a part of my exploration of the character of Severus Snape. I was ultimately trying to decide whether he was a sympathetic character, and part of the way I do that is by plopping characters in new situations.

  • Seventeen

    I came across a post somewhere that mentioned that Luna Lovegood's seventeenth birthday would have occurred while she was imprisoned at Malfoy Manor. I tried to imagine what that day would have been like for her. Sorry if anyone is a little OOC.