
  • Lightning Strikes

    After a freak accident involving 2 children, 1 villain and an exploding cactus, someone new joins Izuku permanently. Will they become a successful hero?

  • Metronome

    After murdering a classmate during a fight, Khiro decides to join the League of Villains (after being threatened of course). As a new member, he shakes things up and makes the League that much stronger.

  • A Flight in the Dark

    When a clone of the legendary No. 2 hero Hawks was created, no one expected this. After being kidnapped by the League, he decides to join and struggles with his morals going against the leagues beliefs.

  • The Tempest Hero: Jura

    After a 14-year old Reberu Sura is joined by the consciousness of Rimuru Tempest, the demon lord and leader of the Jura Tempest Foundation, reluctantly sets out to become the number 1 hero.

  • Clouded Vision

    When one has clouded Vision they can't see well. Some people can't see what's right, and some people can but choose not to. But the worst happens when one becomes so blinded by emotion there Vision becomes clouded. They become a danger to society and themselves. What happens when one's Vision is clouded past repair?