The Reality Shredder

  • The Exiles!

    NSL AU! Exiled into space for reasons beyond their control and being captured and put to slavery by an alien emperor, Lincoln must rally his allies together in order for them to survive and get back home. But the questions are: Who can he trust? What is this place? Can they trust him? Can he do it? and most importantly, will he ever get home? Find out all of that in this story!

  • Injustice Fate!

    Various characters from various different media outside of comic books decide the fate of the 12th level intellectual, super-powered Coluan himself: Brainiac. What will his fate be? Find out in this one shot series!

  • Dreams of Destiny!

    PONTETIAL-VERSE'S FIRST ARC! When a group of unlikely individuals go to sleep one night, they found out that not has their dreams have been tampered with by someone with the powers of dream manipulation. In order to stop this foe, those unlikely individuals must team up to overcome their greatest nightmares and wake up to save the real world. But can they do it?

  • Dear

    Eda managed to escape the Petrifacation, while Luz remained of captive of Belos. Amity, Gus and Willow will have to try and save her, but in the journey and in the fight against impersonated of magic itself they may lose themselves...

  • A Very Bramley Christmas

    At a Christmas party at the Bramley apartment, Annie wants to kiss Heston under the mistletoe, but she can't do it without Pony getting involved and she is afraid of getting embarrassed due to his troublesome antics. When Pony overhears this, he's determined to help Annie to make up for it. The question is, can he do it without his destructive antics getting in the way?

  • Steven Universe: Hunted!

    Steven, on his road trip, is struggling to find his place in life. In space, a multitude of Era 3 despisers have gathered under Aquamarine's command to do one thing: Destroy Steven! With Steven all alone, he's forced into the fight of his life once more. Will the former Earth ambassador be able to defend himself and keep his emotions in check, or will this be the end of Steven?

  • The Dreams Of A Young Genius in Love!

    (Adopted from Zoryan El Muerto with his/her permission) My 1st WttW fanfic. Saraline Timbers was more of the 'stay focus on work' kind of people. While she can figure out most things in the Wayne, she is currently having problems with her greatest question yet, 'Why do I keep having these dreams about my best friend'. I'll experimenting with a new ship I'll dub, SarAnsi? Huh?