
  • The Heiress

    Byakuya thought he was done with family drama, but one night, a chance dream reminds him it's far from over. Soon after, a new recruit joins his squad and brings with her memories Byakuya had long since repressed. Now he must reconcile his past with his present once again, but this time, he might not receive forgiveness as easily. (Post-/anti-686; BG IchiRuki because forever salty)

  • When Sisters Become Brides

    It's the day of Rukia's wedding, and while there's plenty of things to see and experience, it's her older sister's support that she'll remember best. For IchiRuki Month 2021 day 30: special occasions/IchiRuki Week 2022 day 7: finish a WIP from a past event.

  • There Is a Hell

    Ulquiorra is gone and it's Ichigo's fault. But when she finds a way to preserve the one, she accepts that she cannot do the same for the other. For UlquiHime Week 2021, day 2: Heaven/Hell.

  • Beasts, Gods, and Other Creatures of the Night

    She wanders the forest in search of sustenance and light to shut out the past. She doesn't expect to find cherry blossoms passing through an open glade. And she certainly doesn't expect to find the Shinigami wielding them. But just when she thinks there can't possibly be any more surprises, the Shinigami keeps coming back—and so does she. (For ByaHisa Weekend 2022)

  • Paraselenae

    It has been three days since Black Sun cut White Moon down to save her. It has been three nights since he began to doubt her return. It is only now that the two may finally reunite. For the IR Secret Basement gift exchange. (post–Fade to Black)