
  • Primis : The Missing

    It started with a big, bright light and then Atlantis, on it's way back to Pegasus from Earth, finds itself in a unknown galaxy. Tragedy strikes early on - will they stay together safely and make their way back to Pegasus?...read on and see...and yes, whump for a certain Colonel is a given! Torren makes a big appearance in this story. I will look after him, I promise!

  • Talks With Katy

    His life saved by a new friend after an attack, Sheppard finds himself alone in a space craft with the co-pilot, drifting in a craft not meant for this level of exploration. COMPLETE

  • Torment of a Man

    Sequel to my other Story Murus sees John Sheppard once again reunited with Bee. Teyla, Rodney, Ronon and Carson make six...and off we go... Drama, H/C, angst and friendships are a w chapters posted!

  • Mine Cave

    Captured with some new Allies, and forced to work in dangerous mines are Sheppard, Ronon and Rodney's new fate. Sheppard, harbouring a secret, is also forced to activate several artefacts under duress, whilst his friends' and two persons of interest watch over him.- one with increasing fascination and one in silence.

  • Hold On

    Hold On ...it's going to be a bumpy ride! Drama and H/C with Sheppard, Carson, Ronon, Rodney, Teyla and Woolsey.