
  • Who is he to you ?

    It was a perfect normal day for Patrick Jane and his Team. But suddendly an old men entered the office who is apperantly someone from Patrcik's past. Who is he ?

  • 5 years after he left

    This story is about Derek leaving Meredith for Addison. Derek is coming back for Meredith, 5 years later. How will he react when he meets her 4 year old daughter?

  • 24 hours of truth

    There is a demon who catch Chris and now he has to tell the truth for at least 24 hours. How will the sisters react to this? And how will they use it.

  • A letter from the future

    What if Chris lost a letter he brought with from the future. It is something personal from his family. What will happen if Piper read the letter and then she finds out what Chris is hiding. Something will change for the Halliwells.

  • Lie detector

    What will happen if Lisbon has to go through a lie detector cause of Jane. What will they ask her? Find out here.