
  • Furious Five Side Stories: The Years In Between

    After Po departs from the Valley of Peace, the Furious Five are left to keep the Valley safe. An eventual Peace came to the Valley and the Furious Five were no longer needed, thus they look towards their own paths which lie beyond the Jade Palace and Kung Fu as a whole.

  • Three Years and an Answer

    Po has traveled across China for three years after the defeat of Kai. He returns permanently to the Valley of Peace in time for the Moon Festival but with his return comes complications between he and Tigress. A familiar face in Song also reappears to perform at the Valley's Moon Festival. Po's gotta find his answer after three years of being away. Tigress x Po or Song x Po?

  • Rio 2: Alternative

    This is an alternate ending to the ending of Rio 2 it continues after Blu takes the dynamite into the air, I hope you enjoy this alternative take on the movie's ending.