
  • The Princess and the Pig-Keeper

    After a twist of fate leads them into each other's lives, an assistant pig-keeper is granted the chance to be a hero to a beautiful princess, involving them in a set of events that will change them forever. And when complicated further by a courageous scullery maid, a charming prince, and unholy evils, it's ever uncertain just what will become of the princess and the pig-keeper...

  • Cosmogyral

    Something in Nemurin is fading. Creatures known as Nightmares are stealing her power away, leading her to enter the dreams of a boy who can help her fight them. With each Nightmare vanquished, she can feel her power slowly return; but with a puppetmaster who seems to hold just as much power over the Dream World as herself, how much of a chance will she and her newfound friend have?

  • This Dark Flower

    Slowly but surely, Hyrule is restoring itself from a century of destruction. But when a deadly illness begins to sprout up all over Hyrule and threatens their shaky peace, even infecting Hyrule's hero, it's down to the princess and her Sheikah companion to stop the dark flower from snuffing out the kingdom's life.