

  • chosen

    Canon divergent. Sam isn't the only chosen one…(in which Dean might be more special).

  • the benders

    Dean takes pain well. A little too well. Sam's had enough and decides to confront him on it. Direct sequel to my previous coda titled 'nightmare'.

  • nightmare

    Coda to Nightmare. "Well. It could have gone a whole 'nother way after mom. A little more tequila, a little less demon hunting. Then we'd have Max's childhood," Sam admitted, not looking at Dean. "All things considered, we turned out okay." Dean didn't say anything for a moment. Looked around for a second before saying, "All things considered." They both got into the car.

  • latency

    A/U. Season 1. When Sam gets hurt on a hunt, the brothers discover something about Dean that is unexpected. He might be a freak just like Sam…

  • mary, mary

    Part of the chosen series. Pre series. Mary and John were in love. Nothing could change that, even the angels, not that they would dare. Michael still wanted the Winchester brothers to be born. No...he needed them to be born.

  • where's your faith, dean winchester?

    Part of the chosen series. A/U. Episode "Faith" tag. Roy Le Grange knew the brothers would come to Nebraska to see him. He knew one of the brothers, Dean Winchester, had a bad heart and needed healing. The angel, Michael, came to him in a dream.

  • the lies i tell myself

    Alt. take on season 14, episode "Nihilism". Sam and Cas have a plan to bring Dean, literally, out of his head, but Michael is ready for them and once they enter Dean's mind, they quickly realize they're in Michael's playground and Dean has been hiding things...things that even Sam didn't know. (mentions of abuse, flashbacks). heavy dean whump

  • Priority

    Dean's always felt guilty over things out of his control but the Shtriga had been completely within his control and he let those kids get hurt just like Sam all those years ago. Sam's concerned but Dean's good at deflecting and smiling and saying everything's ok even when things aren't. (season 1)

  • spirit world's guide to defeating demons

    AU to season 6 SPN, AU to after the Dark Tournament YYH. Sam made the ultimate sacrifice and made Dean promise to keep going, to find his true happily ever after. Dean figured he'd try. But when did anything good ever happen to Winchesters? So when he wakes up some place that isn't the Impala and there's this kid with a pacifier in his mouth, Dean shouldn't have been surprised.