
  • Mortal Kombat Legends: The Last Airbender

    In each of us, there burns the soul of a warrior, and young strangers are chosen to prove their strength. Aang, Katara and Sokka must fight along side Liu Kang and his Allie's against the forces of the Fire Nation, and Outworld. Who shall survive? Contains: Intense Violence, Comedy, Romance, possible Lemons (No promises.) Drama

  • Mortal Kombat Legends: The Last Airbender Trailer

    This is only a short trailer to what I have planned in the future. Another unique crossover that came to mind, but will work on carefully. There may be a hint of violence, gore, romance, slice of life, an epic adventure.

  • Mortal Kombat: Legendary Defenders

    When Outworld and Daibazaal unite to destroy the realm of Earth, the finest warriors must gather in the defense of their realm. Together, Keith, Allura, Shiro, Lance, Pidge, and Hunk, must fight with Liu Kang and his ally's against Shao Kahn and Zarkon. (Rates M for there will be a lot of violence, and coarse language.)

  • Bakugan: Return of the Titans

    When Dan and Drago reunite with their friends after being away, they are soon introduced to creatures they never thought existed. Titans emerging, with one either being on their side, or against them. Contains: Graphic Violence, Suggestive Themes, Monster Violence, Comedy.

  • Gargoyles: The Altered Beast Chronicles

    A murder takes place, Goliath and his clan get involved. Out of the shadows, Genome Soldiers emerge as Werewolves, Weretigers, etc. all have a common enemy, and must be willing to work together. Contains graphic violence, vulgar language, sexual content.