
  • Gate - Thus the YoRHa Fought There!

    During the New Year in Japan in 2050, a time-space portal suddenly appeared in Ginza district and Machines from another timeline started to kill civilians in their path. Enraged, the world unites under the banner of the United Nations and sends their newly coalition force into a strange but familiar world to deal with the Machines.

  • GATE - A Dimension Crossover

    After Ginza was attacked by the Sadera Empire, Japan retaliates with the help of its allies. As the Allied Forces invades Falmart for attacking Ginza, they met 4 Goddesses from another dimension with the same goal: defeat the Empire for their aggressions on their dimensions.

  • Little Green Men

    (Important A/N in Chapter 1) In the year 20XX, a Gate appeared at a small town in Russia. Shortly afterwards, the Sadera Empire invaded their land and taken its inhabitants as their slaves. Furious, the Russian Army retaliates and invades the Special Region. Now, the Empire would face the might of the Russian Bear.