
  • A Saiyan's Guide to Failing to Fit In

    Having his arm shattered, his body beaten, and now fatherless, Gohan died after the cells games. Now all that remains is a teenager who struggles to get out of bed. Gohan now has to face his next challenge, surviving school all while hiding his powers, heritage, and his misery. Who will survive longer, Gohan's last shred of sanity or his classmates?

  • Web of Crime

    Peter after being bitten by an Oscorp experiment as a child, saw his family home burn down with his parents, aunt and uncle inside. Adopted at a young age by the mob boss Wilson Fisk aka Kingpin, Peter has to manage to hide not only his identity as the infamous criminal Spider-Man but deal with teenage life as the prince of New York's crime.

  • Hogwarts Needs Child Protection Services

    How do muggle-born students at Hogwarts view it? I'll tell you, not very fondly. Between the prejudice and high death rate, muggle-born students have to understand how to survive both socially and literally in the morally questionable wizarding world. The moral of the story, magic is dumb. This is going to be a collection of one-shots most likely.

  • A Sour Experience

    Being human is like getting picked last in dodgeball for the world of Dragon Ball. Unfortunately for Sour a nonconsensual time traveller has to live his immortal life getting repeatedly killed through the timelines until he gets stuck in a something as stupid sounding as a time war between some blue dominatrix and a bunch of time jumping idiots. Great.