
  • Beyond this place of wrath and tears

    In which they fulfill their quest, but Sypha and Trevor don't leave (I miss this series). Will show each POV throughout. Castlevania series AU, set after the events of season 2.

  • Beyond this place of wrath and tears

    In which they fulfill their quest, but Sypha and Trevor don't leave (I miss this series). Will show each POV throughout. Post-season II. AU.

  • In crimson

    What can just a little taste do? She's about to find out. Erotica. Tags/Warnings listed therein.

  • One of them

    Hard truths are difficult to face, as Trevor Belmont knows firsthand. Set in early season II. CW: mature language.

  • Game

    One is driven, one is playful, and they both want each other. Erotica. Greta POV

  • In a lifetime

    Chance: a measure of probability. The slightest amendment of the status quo can lead to unforeseen, life-altering consequences. These are snapshots of interactions between Greta of Danesti and Alucard in distinct moments of their lives, including more (AU) background prior to the meeting in Danesti. Inspired by the Castlevania Series.

  • Tide over heart

    Written for an ask. Please heed the rating and tags. Took the established relationship approach here. Split between Alucard and Trevor's POV. Foursome. Polyamory. Polycule. [post-Castlevania Series]

  • What I would do

    A short bit with domestic fluff, featuring overprotective first time parent jitters, dhampir style. Post-Castlevania series. AU. Greta/Alucard.