
  • The Great Eregion Switcharoo

    This work began in all its unhinged, cracked, glory when the Amaz*n show (you know the one) revealed Celebrimbor's character design. No diss to the actor, who probably did his best, but he looks like Gilderoy Lockhart. From this simple, albeit idiotic, realization, a question was born: what would happen if Celebrimbor of Eregion and Gilderoy Lockhart switched places?

  • The Last Heir of Fëanor

    This is the tale of the surviving child of Celebrimbor of Eregion and how she fared through the Ages of the world. From the Fall of Ost-in-Edhil to Imladris and the vastness of Second Age Eriador, the fight against Sauron seems never ending. Warning for slightly adjusted the timeline according to the story needs, but not too noticeable as the structure stays intact.

  • The Children of Doriath

    The fate of Eluréd and Elurín, lost in the forbidding winter woods of Doriath after the Second Kinslaying. This was written for the 30 Fanfic Second Birthday Event with the prompts 7 and 12: Grave Injury and No Happy Ending. CW for child death.

  • The Valar's Emissary, or The First Time Gil-Galad Got Black-Out Drunk

    At a sign of Gil-Galad's hand, the great doors opened; Eönwë, herald of Manwë, walked in. Tall he was - taller than any Child of Ilúvatar, and upon his face shone the immortal light of the West. With each step the light around him seemed to move, so that he appeared to be followed by wings of pure radiance. But Eönwë turned to be quite different from what could be expected.

  • Belladonna Took's Adventure

    The story of how Belladonna met Bungo. There's more to it than just a love story, of course, and the beginning may remind keen-eyed readers of the 'Hobbit'. Long story short: Bungo is a well-meaning idiot who's way out of his depth, and Belladonna is a morosexual. An adventurous, snarky, morosexual. But you're not here for the short story, are you?

  • Saturday Night in Angband

    It's Saturday night in Angband, and it's comedy night! Open mic for everyone with a story to tell, or a foe to roast (figuratively, for once). (Prompt G-56 of B2MEM22) The jester Visht presents a motley line-up of would-be humorists to Melkor and Angband's brightest. But Sauron fears there is something more to this comedy night...

  • Project Arda

    Eru Ilúvatar somehow forgot His little experiment called Arda and is reminded of it when His PhD student Manwë calls in a panic: the second gen of experiments tries to leave their tank and assault the lab. What to do? (Prompt G-29 of B2MEM22)