Light Onthemayo

  • The Legend of Zelda: City Watch

    Castle Town has matured into the sprawling capital of Hyrule, earning the name "Hyrulia". Its population has outgrown the protection of the Royal Knights of Hyrule. Thus was born the City Watch of Hyrule, a police force dedicated to protecting the people of Hyrulia from crime. However, Hyrulia, and the rest of Hyrule, are about to need more than the police. They will need a hero.

  • Airman Link of the Grand Sails

    For fans of the Sky Lines story. Link has been an airman for most of his life, but just what kind of airman was he? Find out in this series of crackpot shorts detailing the kinds of trouble Link and his best friend Line got into before the events of Sky Lines.

  • Tales of the Island Symphony

    With Cunimincus and his demonic crew gone, the search is on again for Irleen's home. The following stories have NOTHING to do with that search. This is a series featuring the crew of the Island Symphony at their looniest (mostly), detailing events that may or may not have happened during and after Sky Lines.

  • Stargate: First Reconnaissance

    Follow along in the seemingly dull and rather screwy adventures of Stargate Command's First Reconnaissance team SG-14, a group of people who's only note in mission logs is simply being there first...

  • The Legend of Zelda: Dreamweaver's Shield

    After two years of searching, Captain Link and the valiant crew of the airship Island Symphony have found Obeeta, a massive island in the sky sporting a city-like landscape. What looks to be a simple visit in a quest to locate Irleen's people soon turns into one massive living nightmare as Obeeta's nights spring surprise after surprise on the crew of the Island Symphony.