An undercover case leads to a lot more.
A glimpse into Olivia's night when Elliot was playing dead. A mid-ep OC season-finale one-shot.
Olivia is finally ready to talk, but that doesn't mean Elliot is. A season 23/02 finale follow up.
Olivia intervenes when Elliot's undercover assignment with the Brotherhood worries the people around him.
A dangerous situation causes Elliot and Olivia to revisit an old misunderstanding. Rated for language
The weight of the world is very heavy for the woman who carries it on her shoulders. Rated for language and adult situations
Looking out for my fellow angst-lovers, here is a not-quite Hallmark movie take on dinner rated for language
Olivia has doubts... and doubts about her doubts. AN: A little fluff to apologize for Mirage! Also, rated for language
Mirage (definition from google): something that appears real or possible but is not in fact so This is pure, unhappy angst and I'm sorry. I'm honestly willing to write a sequel to fix it, but I cannot even think of how to fix what I broke here! Rated for language
Elliot's undercover assignment takes an unexpected turn when Olivia crosses paths with Eddie. Rated for language and themes. Trigger warning: References to SVU's WL arc/violence/kidnapping. Please don't read if this will upset you, I don't intend for my fics to be anything besides a fun distraction from life.