
  • Just the dust

    OOC. A fantasy on the theme of season five: their first month together, and what the dust on the lid of his laptop means.

  • A visit from fear

    Searching for the kidnapped Castle, Beckett finds him in a very creepy place.

  • The Caterpillar: Beelzebub's Revenge

    During a paintball game, Castle gets into trouble again

  • Oruga: La venganza de Belcebú

    Durante una partida de paintball, Castle vuelve a meterse en problemas

  • The Mistake

    The Kidnapping of Bob Armen: Roy Montgomery's Fatal Mistake. How the Fall Began.

  • A Prophetic Dream

    Detective Beckett's Prophetic Dream. Long before Castle.

  • The Jobs legacy

    A romantic ending to Apple's presentation, or the phone as an excuse. The timeline is the end of season 5, so: 1. The actual time of the presentation does not match the time listed here. 2. Castle agreed to Kate's new assignment with no strings attached. 3. The characters, the course of events during the presentation, and the description of the exhibition halls match reality about

  • Cocktail for the best friend

    Castle didn't expect anything bad from a friendly meeting, but the reality turned out to be scarier

  • Integrity

    Castle confesses to Beckett that he got into her mother's business without permission, and what happened next

  • Bite me gently

    A vampire party with a sexy ending is something that was sorely lacking in the show.

  • Somewhere in City 17

    The relationship between the main characters, not illuminated but implied... Inside City 17

  • The Lonely Manhack

    Not everything in this world is subject to the Alliance.

  • Locked up

    Castle and Beckett find themselves in a place where no one drinks or smokes.

  • We have less than 24 hours

    The Altfinals 6x01. Death of a Character.

  • Missing toy-bear

    There is nothing worse for a child than a missing toy.

  • The Race

    Postcanon, Pure Romance, Original Heroes Fic An unusual race and what follows.

  • Katherine in the Box

    He is back!

  • If not a gremlin, then what is it?

    Caskett at the pet store

  • It was warm

    Precanon. Totally my fantasy.

  • Undercover

    Are sex and work compatible? Let's see what season 5 has to say