
  • Made Whole

    Jon-El had come to this world to merge with his other half, not to locked in a cage. But when Ally shows her true colors and Jon-El has to be saved by Clark, things change drastically. Now forced to live out the rest of his life with the Kents, Jon-El finds himself beginning to wonder if what could fill the emptiness inside of him had been right under his nose the whole time?

  • Not Enough

    "What does it even matter? He can barely look at me. It's like he hates me." After the X-K scandal, All Jon wants is to know that his dad loves him, but everything he does seems to say the opposite. When chores and punishment go wrong, will Clark be able to prove that he loves his son, or will Jon continue to think that he isn't enough and that he isn't loved?

  • Adventures in Babysitting

    When Jon gets de-aged in the middle of a fight, it's up to Uncle Tal to babysit him while everyone else saves the world.

  • Parenting 331

    After the unexpected death of Lionel Luthor, Lex finds himself going through his father's assets. But when he stumbles upon a secret lab that has been experimenting on an alien child since the meteor shower, Lex can't help but intervene. Now along with a business and wild social life, Lex must learn how to take care of a five year old alien.

  • Twisting the Knife

    Jon really thought that his life couldn't get much worse. He had been kicked from the football team, expelled from school, practically exiled from the town... It seemed like even his own family hated him now. And just when he thought that it couldn't get any worse, the football team decides to teach him a lesson Smallville Crows style.

  • Love Everlasting

    When Crown Prince Derek Elijah Schreave unexpectedly dies, his younger brother Prince Jordan is forced to come back to a palace he hardly knows, to a family that he barely knew, and take over his selection. And if he doesn't? He'll be shipped away to marry some random princess for an alliance.

  • Find Me, Save Me

    While out on a run, Jon Kent gets kidnapped by a man who is convinced that holding Jon captive is the key to killing Superman. Will Jon's family find him? Or are Jon's fears about being forgotten by his family since the move to Smallville true?

  • Grandpa's Fish Tacos

    Fishing with Grandpa Sam means that Jon gets to have his favorite meal, plus having Jordan around makes it even better.