
  • Madness

    While the baseball community was notoriously competitive with each other, everyone still knew everyone; if not personally, then at least by face and name. So when five key players from one of the top teams disappear, well, news travels fast. Despite them being from rival schools, they waited with bated breath for any and all news regarding the safety of the missing players.

  • Hall of Fame

    Sawamura Eijun has always aspired to be the strongest ranged class that the world has ever seen, however, growing up in a small town, in an even smaller guild didn't amount to a lot of opportunities to really test his abilities. Wherein teams are Guilds and positions determine class like in an MMO and they fight in raids.

  • Blinded in Instinct

    Sawamura goes into heat on the mound, mid-game. Miyuki doesn't like the other team's reaction. (Omegaverse. OC Team)

  • Majestically Offset

    Okumura Koushuu learns there's more to a battery than he initially thought.

  • In Sickness

    "'m cold,' Akihito practically whines into Ryuichi's neck. Ryuichi raises a hand to lightly tug at Akihito's hair, allowing him the space to press his lips against Akihito's forehead. Still warm, 'That's why you should be in bed.' He only gets a slow shake of his head before Akihito shoves his face back against Ryuichi's neck." (Akihito gets Sick)

  • The Streamer and His 'Roommate'

    Miyuki is a popular Twitch streamer. However, the relationship between him and his mysterious "roommate" has always seemed questionable to his viewers. As told by a viewer POV