
  • Within A Dark Wood

    After being shot by Winston and falling off a roof, John Wick is rescued and brought to the Bowery King. He awakens to see an old friend that he hasn't laid eyes on in 10 years. Is she an ally or an enemy?

  • Against the Dragons of War

    Still alive in the year 3052, Archer runs across a unique object that brings to his memory the events of the Earth-Romulan War. In particular he recalls its most pivotal battle on the Planet Cheron and the role this object played in turning the tide. It also brings to mind the woman who crafted it and who's memory haunts his every step.

  • The Picard Inheritance

    Book 2 of the "What Fates Impose series" Picard would never tell his only daughter about the Borg or what they did to him, no matter how she asked. After 18 years and 200 years in the past a similar fate has been sent by Xindi Reptilians to destroy the NX-01 and help them prevail. Can Archer see the threat and keep it from destroying the ship or a close crew member?