Faber Wolffe

  • How Could We Have Anything in Common

    Harry Potter and Severus Snape. They couldn’t possibly have anything in common. Right?

  • Oil and Water

    A lovely little angst piece (as if you didn’t have enough in Chp. 28 of OotP) about Snape. A random idea that explains his greasy hair. Not for the weak of heart.

  • Triumph

    Dumbledore had a look of triumph in his eyes in book 4. Why?

  • In Another Life: Year 1

    A/U Harry makes one tiny decision that changes the course of fate for all. This retells the events of Year 1 because of that choice. (will be continued through the other books if people like it and sorry for the bad summery this is too weird to be expla

  • Moon Set

    I rated it PG13 because this is REALLY depressing... Remus and Sirius are in somewhere in theri 50s. Cant say much more without spoiling it, except I nearly cried writing it...

  • When Rabid Fangirls Attack

    Heh, what happens with when you add R. Lupin, S. Snape, two rabid fangirls, and one evil fan-fic author? Pure chaos.

  • What I Can't Forgive

    Snape's true thoughts (written by Snape). Essentually combines nearly all the Snape rumors on the net.

  • He Can't Hyde

    COMPLETE The Marauders are in the play Jekyll and Hyde. MWPP time period in modern times, slighty weird concept but the questions about duality are worth the time screwup.

  • Love 'Ship

    The 3rd in the Midnight Serise. Well, it might not be R but there is a ton of lime. What happens when bad fanfic writers take on 'ships?