
  • Divide The Blackened Sky

    The girl has a part to play and Badger knows exactly who's going to get her back for him. Because Badger is tired of pretending to be less than the King of Hell.

  • Furious Exiles : Four

    She left the life of violence behind but the family she came home to fell apart...

  • Duty

    The first time, he didn't make that great of an impression. The second time... he slimed her. And they say 3rd time is the charm. Right?

  • Enemy of My Enemy

    Henry didn't have a clue. Edward never knew. The one person who did can't explain.

  • Jump In Tomorrow

    Half the people in the world are below average.

  • 11: Tau-Vana

    We are the eyes that see. We are the record of the past, the present and a future that is ever changing.

  • Year One of the Snake

    I remember the day I got my letter as if it had just been yesterday. I don't think anyone ever forgets the day their letter arrived especially those like me, muggles.

  • Feels Like U Crashed Into My Life

    She has been a prisoner far longer than she can remember. So she's not about to let two guys in a '67 Impala derail her escape.

  • We Are The Wild

    The Deadpool attracts more than your run of the mill killers and mercenaries. Its the family business after all, isn't it?

  • Year Two of the Snake

    Its a new start but soon enough Hogwarts reveals a darker side to the Snakes.