

  • a blank page for you

    "So how long have you and May been doing it?" / in which Skye has a proposal and Ward has some minor issues with it.

  • there's an end and a beginning

    Death is quiet. It doesn't last. There's a tug - sharp and painful, and then he's back. Skye sits on a chair in the centre of the room. She's in a papery hospital gown, wires and drips trailing off her, monitors surrounding her. She's staring impassively ahead. / / skye is turned into hydra's pet. a recently deceased ward can't and won't leave her.

  • all the stars collapsed behind the pitch black night

    Garrett grunts. He picks up a file and hands it to her. She leafs through it, looking disinterested. 'Easy,' she decides, and gives it up to Grant. It isn't exactly what he would call "easy". It's to assassinate a billionaire businessman who has been putting too much funding into SHIELD. / / skye and her new guard go on a roadtrip. of sorts.

  • so tell me when you hear my heart stop

    Raina presses a hand to the bullet hole in his chest, and hears him hiss through his teeth. He should be okay. This has happened before and she's fixed it. This has happened a lot, actually. He's good at getting hurt. He's good at making sure she doesn't get hurt. / / Ward gets shot. Raina tries to save him. because she always does, and this time shouldn't be any different. Right?

  • apart and alone

    She visits him once. She means to go again, but it's never the right time. / / they don't end, just fade, lose each other, change.

  • so show me family

    She's a little surprised when she wakes up one morning to find a tiny present wrapped in starry tissue paper and tied with a bow, sitting right outside her bunk. / / in which the team gives Skye the birthday she never had.

  • before my blackened wing covered you

    So the bad news is that she's dead. Which is a bit of down on her day. But the good news is that she's no longer in pain. / / in which Ward can't let Skye go, so she stays around to haunt him.

  • run through my veins

    Someone as miserable, intoxicated and lovesick as Francis shouldn't be left unsupervised. / / In which a lot of mistakes are made, and most of them end in disaster.

  • goodbye to the roses on your street

    She was perfect. But she was just a mission. / / Grant Ward meets the love of his life in a bar. Unfortunately, it can never get that far.

  • the fire is coming

    She uses her 0-8-4 powers in front of two dozen SHIELD agents to save them, and it just spirals from there. SHIELD requests she is turned in. For testing. The team is having none of it. / / In which Skye has to go on the run, and Ward isn't leaving her.

  • every doubt we had is coming undone

    'I've discussed it with Coulson,' she says. 'You're going to be joining me on my assignment.' / / ward has another new visitor. she decides he would be more useful elsewhere.

  • and what you thought you lost was just mislaid

    He's gone by the morning. There's a note slipped under Skye's door when she wakes up. It has a set of coordinates, and: in case you need me - Ward. / / in which Skye visits Ward on her week off. He has a lot of dogs.

  • i've always been a daughter (but feathers are meant for the sky)

    Ward has been gone four and a half weeks. It's six AM, and she runs to the bathroom and retches into toilet. / / in which Skye is left behind but not alone.

  • should've worshipped her sooner

    He's been staring at the ceiling for two months straight when the door to his cell finally opens. There's no dramatic explosion, but he knows from the little hiss that it's been broken into. Raina steps through, delicately wiping her hands down on her flower dress, and smiles at him. / / raina rescues ward from prison. she aims to please, and so does he.

  • please can you help me keep me head above the water

    five members of the team that die, and one that keeps going (alone).

  • edison would spin in his grave

    The first time Grant sees her, he's barely past the rank of 'rookie'. In fact, this is his first real assignment. He's the newest guard Hydra's pet project: Operation Skye. / / Grant Ward's new job is probably going to kill him (but he might be okay with that).

  • until the devil turns to dust

    When they first meet, they are both a little battered. / / au in which Skye and Ward met as screwed up teens and joined SHIELD then HYDRA together.

  • the highway signs say we're close

    The baby is tugging at Skye's hair, and it grabs for the knife just inside the fold of her jacket twice. "Help," she says. "Take it." / / dark!skyeward fluff. in which they are forced to look after a baby for a week. after killing its parents.

  • no help here from heaven

    She vomits. It's not a pretty sight. It's black and bloody, but Ward stands over her and holds her hair back. / dark!skyeward fluff. skye gets monster flu, and ward takes care of her.

  • when these bones decay

    Skye's standing on the doorstep, shivering in the pouring rain. She looks frightened and frightening all at the same time. Her hair and her clothes are sticking to her body, but there's dried blood under her nails, her eyes are black and her lips are red. / / they can be monsters together. (and get paid for it.)