
  • it was more than worth it

    Claire shook her head, lacing their fingers together. "How about we lay down some ground rules?" Jack chuckled. "Rules, huh?" "Yes." A smirk twitched at her lips. "If you come within six inches of my personal space in the office, I have permission to taze you." (Or: 7 times people found out about Jack and Claire's relationship plus 1 time people were told.)

  • come on, babe (we're gonna brush the sky)

    It was a note, Claire realized upon closer inspection, a note scribbled in very familiar cursive. Its message was concise: "You'll need these." Right. Jack. (Or: Claire wakes up after a wild night out. Jack is there, too. Part three of "and all that jazz.")

  • find a flask (we're playing fast and loose)

    Of course, Jack's age hadn't stopped a few beautiful young women from approaching him with a wink and a casual hand trailing across his chest. One girl had curly dark hair and was even wearing a short red dress. But none of them were Claire, and therein lay the problem. (Or: Jack tries to find Claire on her night out. Easier said than done. Part 2 of "and all that jazz.")

  • and my voice becomes the driving force

    Katara hates the quiet. That's why she talks to him. (Written for Day 6 of Kataang Week 2022: Quiet Moments/Healing Techniques, hosted by @ kataang-week on Tumblr.)

  • all i need is a taste

    Claire hums in agreement, undoing another two of Margot's buttons. "Even I could kiss you better than—better than what's-his-face, I bet." It isn't until Margot's back stiffens beneath her touch that Claire realizes what sequence of words has left her mouth.

  • come on, babe (why don't we paint the town?)

    Based on the way Jack cut himself off with an awkward cough halfway through his sentence, Claire had a feeling her phone had picked up the sound of her skirt unzipping just fine. (Or: Claire gets ready for a night out. Jack listens in.)

  • won't you hang a picture?

    She bit her tongue to hold back a laugh. If only the court could see him now—the fearless, fiery Jack McCoy sleeping on his stomach with one hand under his pillow and snoring like a disgruntled cat. Maybe it was selfish, but Claire reveled in the fact that this sight was one reserved solely for her. (Or: It's 3 AM, and Claire Kincaid finds herself thinking about Jack McCoy.)

  • this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine)

    Flash sighed. "So what do I have to do to get rid of you?" Why would you want to do that? I am delightful company. "Why? How about because I have a life! A girlfriend! I'm graduating in less than two months! This is the worst possible time shit could happen to me!" (An MJ/Flash romcom meets a Venom!Flash dramedy. Part 1 of "A Symbiote by Any Other Name.")

  • time apart, time together

    And if Ty Lee notices the way Katara's breath hitches, she refrains from commenting. Instead, she merely moves a little closer to Katara as they exit the courtyard, arm in arm, leaving Katara to wonder how much closer time will allow them to get. (Ty Lee is Katara's bodyguard. But it's just a temporary assignment, meaning there's no risk of any unintended consequences. Right?)

  • (dis)trust

    "Is it distrust of me," Aang says, "or distrust of the Avatar?" A bitter laugh escapes Zuko's lips before he can stop it. (Written for Day 3 of Zukaang Week 2022: Sacred, hosted by @ zukaangweek on Tumblr.)

  • match point

    Jack raised an eyebrow. "Claire, Adam wants us to be in the office at 7 tomorrow." Claire bit back another sigh. "I'm well aware, Jack, but like you said—my car isn't going anywhere right now. Not without a tow truck." "Then let me take you home." Claire stiffened, her traitorous heart skipping a beat at his suggestion. "I'm sorry?"

  • if memories could fade away

    "Please, Ned. I am trying to savor the moment. You should be flattered." Ned grumbles something under his breath in Tagalog, not that MJ needs to understand the words to understand what is being said because he's Ned and she's MJ and it's always been just them, the two of them, eight years going on eighteen. (A love letter to MJ Watson.)

  • Walls

    "Miss Jones-Watson, you're partnered with Mr. Thompson." Flash's eyes found hers from across the classroom, and MJ gave him a curt nod to acknowledge their pairing. When his upper lip curled in distaste, she fought the urge to roll her eyes. MJ was not looking forward to this. (Written for Day 6 of MJ Week 2022: Figuring It Out, hosted by @ mjweek on Tumblr.)

  • (un)likely

    MJ had crumbled beneath the pressure, shattering the way a glass goblet met a brick floor. She should have known better. MJ couldn't do this. Why had Liz believed she could do this? (Written for Day 3 of MJ Week 2022: MJ & [Betty], hosted by @ mjweek on Tumblr.)

  • Pilot

    "Besides"—Peter sat down on the arm of the couch, opposite to MJ—"if you're really getting messages from the Great Beyond, don't you think at least one person will get back to you?" That was… not an unreasonable conclusion, all things considered. MJ told him so, and Peter laughed. (MJ is psychic. She'd rather not be. A PeterMJ rewrite of season 1, episode 1 of NBC/CBS's Medium.)

  • Mother Tongue

    Katara doesn't miss her grandmother's change of phrase. Kanna's unspoken words are a truth, an ice in her veins Katara has tried so very hard to ignore. This might be goodbye. ("To heal is to touch with love that which we previously touched with fear." – Stephen Levine. A Katara-centric companion piece to "Forgotten Language.")

  • Forgotten Language

    "To speak the language of the waters…" Kanna's mother winked at her. "The first thing you must do is listen." ("Ultimately, there can be no complete healing until we have restored our primal trust in life." – Georg Feuerstein. A Kanna-centric fic.)

  • So Close

    Starfire has been severely injured in battle. Robin is thinking about what he should have done. RobStar oneshot. My very first fanfiction. Flames will not be tolerated. Okay, please enjoy it! The story is much better than the summary.

  • Alone

    The Titans have just gotten back from Tokyo when Terra mysteriously returns. She and Beast Boy decide to give their romance another try, while Raven is jealous of Robin and Starfire. Will Raven let rage overcome her? Will Beast Boy finally get his Terra back? Read to find out... Final chapter is up!

  • Magical Reality

    The Winx go to Jump City to fight the Trix, only to encounter another team of heroes. Will they hit it off? Or will they tear the city apart in order to prove who's best? And since when are Bloom and Robin cousins? Tenth chapter is up!