

  • Powerless

    Drabble. Peter/Olivia. Season: Three. Set during the end of "6B." Spoilers: "Do Shapeshifters Dream of Electric Sheep?", "6B." Summary: Everyone had their weaknesses – even Peter Bishop.

  • Hard Science

    Ficlet. Peter angst. Season: Two. Set right during Jacksonville. Post-lab, pre-house. Spoilers: Jacksonville. Summary: A scientist has to follow the data, no matter where it leads.

  • Latent Abilities

    Drabble. Peter angst. Season: Two. Spoilers: Jacksonville. Summary: There are super powers, and then there are super powers.

  • Inconclusive

    Ficlet. Olivia angst. Season: Two. Immediately Post-Jacksonville. Spoilers: Jacksonville. Summary: Olivia wonders if the price was too high. And she doesn't like her answer.

  • Drawing the Line

    Drabble. Olivia angst. Season: Two. After Jacksonville, before The Man from the Other Side. Spoilers: Jacksonville. And some knowledge of Twilight might be helpful. No, really. Summary: Olivia tried to understand, but she also had to draw the line somewhere.

  • Jedi Mind Trick

    Drabble. Olivia angst. Season: Three. During Olivia. Spoilers: Olivia. Summary: Some things are constant, no matter where you are. Dammit.

  • Blonde Moment

    Ficlet. Peter angst. Season: Two. Immediately Post-What Lies Below. Spoilers: The Dreamscape, What Lies Below. Summary: A moment of weakness and a moment of clarity. Sometimes, they are the same.

  • Could've, Should've, Would've

    Ficlet. Peter angst. Season: One. Spoilers: The No-Brainer. Summary: They say familiarity breeds contempt. For Peter, that was true – but not in the usual way. Nothing happens in the usual way for Peter. Not anymore.

  • Vendetta

    Drabble. Peter POV. Gen, family. Season: Two. Spoilers: Grey Matters. Summary: In Lilo and Stitch, Stitch said, "This is my family. I found it all on my own. It's little, and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good." He's right, and Peter could say the same thing. And like Stitch, I wouldn't want to cross Peter when family's involved.

  • Changing Tastes

    Double drabble. Peter and Olivia mild UST. Humor. Season: Two. Spoilers: Momentum Deferred, Safe, Pilot. Summary: With the right stimulus, anyone's tastes can change.

  • Epiphany

    Peter and Olivia, slight UST. Humor. Season: Two. Spoilers: Fracture. Summary: Olivia has one of those moments when everything just clicks into place.

  • Loaded

    Drabble. Peter POV, mild Peter/Olivia UST. Season: One. Spoilers: Safe. Takes place during the bar scene. Summary: Sometimes a moment is much more than it seems - in so many ways.

  • It Could Be Worse

    Double Drabble. Humor. Team. Season: One. Spoilers: Safe. Summary: No man likes to be introduced as a brother when he's not - ever - but it could be worse.* For Taj. Ask and ye shall receive, my dear.

  • Not Quite Christmas Carols Redux III

    Another visit to the Advent Prompt Challenge. Twenty-four standalone fics, posted mostly daily in December and finished 12/31/14 this year. Much SG-1 with one Warehouse 13, one Scorpion, and one Iron Man fic. Mostly gen and only a few true holiday fics present. Summaries, titles, warnings, etc for each story/chapter inside.

  • You Had to Be There

    Double drabble. Gen. Summary: The old saying is true, you know.

  • Backfire

    Dexter's Laboratory/Godzilla crossover. No, really. Gen with some family, humor, and angst. A bit sad. Season: Any. Spoilers: None. Summary: One of Dexter's experiments backfires. Again. But this is a big one. A very big one.

  • Loud and Clear

    G.I. Joe Retaliation/A Real American Hero (Marvel/IDW) Category: Snake-Eyes and Scarlett, being Snake-Eyes and Scarlett. (Mild implied SE/S ship/friendship plus.) Setting: Immediately post-Retaliation; fix-it fic for one particular plot point. Spoilers: Retaliation, bit of canon knowledge for A Real American Hero. Summary: The more things change, the more they remain the same.

  • Heredity Can Be a Real B

    Gen, Angst, Teddy Lupin Focus. Spoilers: Deathly Hallows. Summary: Like it or not, we all have to play the hand we're dealt.

  • On the Practical Use of Clouds

    Friendship. Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. Spoilers: None per se. Occurs near the end of Prisoner of Azkaban. Summary: Remus Lupin had always been fond of clouds.

  • Enduring

    Double Drabble. Gen, Angst, Remus and Sirius Friendship, Sirius POV. Spoilers: None per se. Set in PoA. Summary: A circle does, in fact, have a starting point, as a line. But that line truly never ends.