

  • Canis Lupus

    Drabble, Gen, Angst, Remus. Spoilers: None per se. Set in PoA. Summary: Wolf and Dog: They are the same. Or perhaps not.

  • Company

    Drabble, Gen, Remus/Sirius Friendship. Spoilers: None per se. Set after PoA, before OotP. Summary: For Remus, after a transformation, solitude is vastly preferred…mostly…

  • Second Chances

    All-Dialogue Drabble. Spoilers: None per se. FutureFic. Post DH. Summary: Everyone deserves a second chance.

  • Devil Dog

    All-Dialogue Double Drabble; Humor, Friendship. Remus and Sirius. Grimmauld Place. Spoilers: None per se. Set post-PoA and pre-OotP. Summary: You really can’t blame him. It does get awfully boring being alone all the time…

  • Hall of Heroes

    Vignette; Humor-no, really. Characters: Most of the Fallen. Spoilers: Deathly Hallows. Occurs post-DH. Summary: They say change is the only constant, but they also say some things never change. For this group, I'd bet on the latter-mostly.

  • Thinking

    Drabble, Remus Lupin Focus. Barely established Remus/Tonks. Spoilers: Half Blood Prince, Deathly Hallows, but nothing specific. Occurs between HBP and DH. Summary: Everyone knows Remus Lupin thinks too much.

  • There But For The Grace

    Vignette, Remus Lupin Focus. Spoilers: Half Blood Prince. Occurs during the funeral. Summary: Sometimes, one person can really make a difference after all.

  • Kindred

    Triple Drabble, Remus Lupin Focus. Established Remus/Tonks, but nothing specific. Spoilers: Half Blood Prince. Occurs between HBP and DH. Summary: Understanding is finally found.