
  • Indestructible

    Bucky Barnes always protected Steve from danger, and now, after getting wounded he learns the true strength of their friendship.

  • In the Clutches of the Hawk

    After saving Gotham from the League of Shadow's weapon, Bruce Wayne finds himself in unfamiliar territory of a different world. He meets a young warrior of corrupted empire and finds himself in a battle where he never thought he would end fighting: the heart of Shayera Hol.

  • Repair

    Post-Winter Soldier. Steve Rogers is hardened by the guilt of failing to save his best friend from winter's breath; in the darkness of his apartment, he discovers a severely injured Bucky Barnes in need of his help to restore the wounds.

  • Burnt Coffee

    If there is anything Bucky remembers, he knows that Steve makes the worst cup of coffee in the morning.

  • His Mission

    Why did the Winter Soldier make the choice to drag Steve out of the river? Post-CAWS.

  • Greatest Price

    Steve must take the stand against the darkness as old ghosts of his past threaten to take his strength, heart and his best friend's soul. Driven by the guilt of failing to save Bucky in 1944, the captain must fight to restore what has been lost to him. It won't be easy, however, he must find hope in himself and not lose his true existence.(Co-written by: Thalion Estel)

  • Winter's Oath

    "I will protect you." he declared out his mission and held her close as he shielded her with his body heat against the winter storm. He knew this task wasn't going to be easy, but she needed him, and for once the soldier obeyed his heart. Pre- Captain America: The Winter Soldier. (Artwork belongs to pain-art on DA)

  • Defining a Hero

    When a remarkable young man races into Steve's life, both of their worlds change completely. Now he's faced with a difficult choice that he's never thought he would ever have to make again: becoming a big brother to the fastest man alive or a mentor to a young hero who lacks discipline. (Flash and Captain America crossover)

  • Unbroken

    When unexpected hope pushes the darkness away, Steve and Natasha must risk everything to protect their baby even if it must means to pay the high price of sacrifice. To come out alive from the nightmares of HYDRA, they must become anchors against the raging storms ahead and accept their failures as old ghosts emerge from their shattered reflections. (Pre-Avengers: Age of Ultron)

  • Divided

    When she stared at the vial of Steve's legacy clutched in her hand, Peggy knew she had to protect the precious gift from falling into the wrong hands. She had to separate herself from Howard and carry on the mission alone by keeping a promise close to her chest. (Steve & Peggy)

  • From Time to Eternity

    She knows its not the end. She will see him again, but he might be a bit late as usual. Peggy/Steve.

  • Healing in the Moonlight

    They've entered the crossfire between order and chaos. Steve and Natasha unveil secrets as they finally restore the one only thing that will keep them from falling off the razor's edge. Trust.

  • Never Look Back

    While her world goes dark, her fight with the past becomes a division between them. She loves Steve, but she can't trust her heart to chase after him. CA: WS Romangers.

  • I'm Done Running

    Post Winter Soldier. Steve is exhausted from his city wide search for Bucky, he is almost to the point of giving up, but when a voice calls out to him he discovers that his friend has always been close to home.

  • Darkness and Light

    Bucky searches for his existence, but he knows that it lies in a eyes of a good man who he thinks is a ghost in the shadows.

  • And Then Along Came Winter

    She's in Washington, uncovering the truth of League of Assassins for Oliver, but her life becomes compromised when she rescues a man with long hair and a metal arm. Little does she know that he is the only person who can save her once dark secrets become unveiled.

  • Winter of Grace

    When Steve reaches his dire moments as the coldness of grief strikes him down he turns to Bucky to seek shelter from the storm. Pre- CA : First Avenger.

  • Wounded

    No matter how deep the bullet goes; or how far pain runs through the heart, wounds heal when friendship takes flight. Post- Winter Soldier. Steve & Bucky.

  • The Devil's Sneer and the Angel's Kiss

    When he faces the darkness only the constant pulse of his heart against her own pulls him back to the light. (James/Leslie)

  • Shadows of Our Souls

    During from Ultron's reign of extinction. Natasha and Steve fight demons of past that left scars on their hearts. Broken, lost and isolated in different parts of world they must regain trust in each other as their strength betrays them. ( Avengers: Age of Ultron:Romangers.)