
  • Reflections

    He never looked into the mirror, he was always afraid of what might stare back at him. When hope finally meets him again with the eyes of his best friend, Bucky realizes that he's not nameless ghost.

  • A Promise in Brooklyn

    They are soldiers to their own battles, but when the shadow of war threatens to separate them, Steve and Bucky made a promise that no matter what happens they will always be at each other's side. Pre- CA:FA.

  • Meeting His Shadow

    A one shot on how a small Steve Rogers, met his lifelong friend and protector, Bucky Barnes.

  • Confessions Under Brooklyn's Light

    Steve and Bucky finally unveil their pain to each other under the golden lights of the Brooklyn Bridge.

  • Sunrise in Brooklyn

    Steve and Bucky finally find each other on the streets of Brooklyn with the rays of a new dawn shining in their tears.

  • Light in the Shadows

    No matter how dark the void gets, light always finds a way to shine through. Post CAWS : Bucky & Steve one shot.

  • Red, White and Blue

    What does the Winter Soldier give to Steve for his birthday? Post CA:WS.

  • Milkshake

    Diana discovers there are many ways to beat the summer heat in Gotham. Fluffy BMWW one shot.

  • Wings of Fire

    She's a soldier who believed that her heart belonged only to her missions; until something unexpected and alarming happens with a certain Dark Knight. A Shayera Hol & Bruce Wayne one shot.

  • Heart of the Knight

    After searching in the dark mists of his heart, Bruce finally confesses his love to Diana.

  • Restore

    What happens when Diana uses a healing stone on an injured Bruce Wayne? BMWW one shot.

  • Ghost of Winter

    He doesn't remember who he is, but in the battle of emotions between following orders and sparing a friend's life, the Winter Solider discovers his stolen humanity.

  • Somber Hearts

    On the final night before the dawn, Talia gets to unmask Bane and give him strength before they enter the fire. TDKR One shot.

  • Stay with Me

    A roof top encounter that unveils the hearts of the Bat and the Cat.

  • Warrior's Light

    When the hand of death takes his soul from her; Diana finds a away to restore it back.