

  • Blood Traitor

    (January 1999) Draco Malfoy is afraid he might be attracted to men. Now he just needs to prove it to himself that he's not...

  • More Than Worth It

    (December 1998) It's Christmas Break from Hogwarts and Hermione Granger is eager to see her boyfriend, Ron Weasley, and check out his new flat. Ron wants to show off his new bed but Hermione worries that Ron isn't paying enough attention to her needs and desires. New Edit: 09/11/2015

  • Yearning Hearts

    (September 1, 1998) Ginny Weasley and Parvati Patil are heading back for a final year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and desperately missing the ones they love. Elsewhere in the world Harry Potter and Lavender Brown are missing them as well. (New Edit: 09/10/2017)

  • Both Sides

    (July 1998) Ron Weasley has struggled all summer to find time alone with Hermione Granger so that he can tell her how he really feels. When he invites her up to his room while the Burrow is empty she misunderstands the reasons for the invite. (New edit: 09/10/2017)

  • Let the Dream Be True

    (July 1998) Two months after the Battle of Hogwarts, Lavender Brown invites her best friend Parvati Patil (who she is secretly in love with) to give her some sad news.

  • A Memorable Farewell

    (June 1998) A month has passed since the Battle of Hogwarts and Ginny Weasley's boyfriend, Harry Potter, has brought her out to the Forest of Dean to say goodbye. But she won't let him leave without a proper farewell... (Edited: 09/07/2017)

  • West Coast Serenade

    (March 2015) Two road trips: Remus and Lily travel to Seattle for Remus's birthday then Remus, Sirius and James head down to San Francisco for Spring Break. (Part 3 of series beginning with The Reclusive Hottie in the Attic.) (New Edit: August 18, 2017)

  • Remus Lupin and the Reliquary of Blood

    (Jan 2015) "Actually, I just posted a chapter this morning for one of my fics," Remus said. Please ask, Remus thought. Don't make me do it. "Oh yeah?" Sirius said, fully turning his body, getting on his knees and laying his head over an arm on the top of the couch, looking adorably cute. (Part 2 of Series beginning with The Reclusive Hottie in the Attic) (New Edit: 08/02/2017)

  • The Reclusive Hottie in the Attic

    (December 2014) "Sooo there are two rooms and the basement I'm trying to rent out right now. One room is downstairs, another is upstairs and the basement is… Oh. Uh… Well, it's a basement," she said and laughed with a snort. "Is there an attic?" Sirius asked, thinking it could be neat to live in an attic. "Yeah. Remus lives up there," Lily said. (New Edit: 05/26/2017)

  • The Girl Who Topped

    (May-July 2001) Ginny finds a special toy in a wizarding sex toy catalogue that can join with your body and change it's shape and size and can't wait to top Harry with it. New edit: 07/11/2017. Credit for the strap-on concept comes from picascribit. It features (briefly) in her story TransFigured.

  • The Magic Art of Intimacy

    (February 2000) (Canon Divergent AU) It's Luna Lovegood's birthday and she got something special for she and her girlfriend, Ginny Weasley, to play with.

  • The Way Things Fall Apart

    (Summer 2012 - Autumn 2014) Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin and Lily Evans find out that being an adult and coping with loss isn't easy. Prequel to series beginning with The Reclusive Hottie in the Attic.

  • Words Across Worlds

    Many years ago, Remus Lupin and Lily Evans stumbled upon diaries that mirrored each other and allowed long distance communication. Then Remus fell into another world and met the handsome Sirius Black and his friends. Now they must all go on the run to protect the secrets they know. (From the Casefile on Harry Potter by Draco Malfoy, with bonus annotations by Hermione Granger.)

  • You Make My Life Better

    Lily leaned up into his kiss, his lips soft and strong. "You taste like coffee," he said, pulling away and chuckling. "Want some?" she asked. "Nah. I'm good. I try to limit my caffeine intake," James said. "As long as you've got plenty of energy… I'm gonna put you to work," Lily said then laughed and leaned up to kiss him again. (Part 10 of series beginning with Reclusive Hottie)

  • Only in Her Dreams

    "I've never kissed anyone. No one has ever tried to kiss me," Luna said. "Sometimes people are waiting for you to make the first move," Ginny said. Luna laughed. "Ginny Weasley, I don't think anyone is waiting for me to kiss them," Luna said, with whimsy rather than sadness. "You might be surprised. You're cuter than you know," Ginny said then Luna turned red and giggled.

  • Just Breathe

    "Ready?" Lily asked Remus, who was literally standing on the doormat and looking antsy. "I was born ready," Remus said with a big grin. "OK. Let's go. Goodbye, boys. Don't burn my house down or I will have to kill you both," Lily said. "Burn the house down, you said? Will do," James called out, making Lily smirk. (Part 8 of series beginning with The Reclusive Hottie in the Attic.)

  • Queer Like Us

    "Is something wrong?" Sirius asked, coming over to the couch and leaning over the top. "No. Not exactly. I was just having a bit of a personal crisis. I just realized last night that I've never really found a label for myself," Remus said. (Part 7 of series beginning with The Reclusive Hottie in the Attic)

  • Bring Enough Sunshine

    "Are you still high?" James asked. "I may be slightly buzzed but otherwise I am fine," Lily said. "Can I kiss you?" James asked. "I'll be offended if you don't," Lily admitted. (Part 6 of series beginning with The Reclusive Hottie in the Attic) Madeleine Yaxley is a creation of picascribit and is used with permission.

  • You Never Call Me Moony When We're Alone

    (November 1978) "So there's been blokes you fancied?" Sirius asked. Remus felt like he was strapped the front of the Hogwarts Express and it had gone berserk, hurtling towards the nearest castle. "Bloke. Just one," Remus said, quickly looking away, knowing what the next question would be. "Oh. Who's that?" Sirius asked.

  • The Promise

    (Early February 2015) "Man, I bet you're thinking what a freaky weirdo this girl is. If you want to run that's cool," Lily said. "No! That's not what I'm thinking at all," James said, and gazed across at her wonderful green eyes. (Part 5 of series beginning with "The Reclusive Hottie in the Attic"