

  • No Place Like Home?

    The world has ended in the blink of an eye. The President of the United States of America's death troopers ravage the country. They burned Draco's house to the ground and the only other survivor in his home town is former rival and object of his desire, Harry Potter.

  • Pictures of You

    "Do you think… Do you think you'll ever start taking photos again?" Remus asked. "I don't know. I probably wouldn't be any good anymore," Sirius said. "Oh, well, if you decide you want to do more I would l-love to be your subject," Remus said, sounding nervous. Sirius smiled. "Would you really?" Sirius said. (Sequel to The Hottie in the Attic and Moving Too Fast)

  • Moving Too Fast

    (Christmas 2014) "I'm poly. Or non-monogamous if you prefer. I'm dating both of them and they kinda also date each other but we're all pretty free to date whoever we want. It's pretty chill," Lily said. "That's cool. I've uh… never done anything like that," James said, suddenly worrying that Lily wouldn't think he was cool. (Part 2 of The Reclusive Hottie in the Attic)

  • This Blessed Union

    (June 21, 2008) Sirius Black and Remus Lupin get married in a pagan handfast ceremony on Sirius's 25th birthday. Twelve year old Tonks pursues the affections of Charlie Weasley. And five year olds Harry and Draco may somehow be becoming friends. Part 26 of All That We Have Left series

  • That Malfoy Boy

    (July 31, 2007) It's Harry's fourth birthday party and Sirius's cousin just had to bring that Malfoy boy... Part 25 of All That We Have Left series

  • Many Meetings at a Funeral

    (February 18, 2007) When Sirius Black's mother finally dies he reluctantly goes to her funeral down in London. Sirius grapples with his guilt over feeling relief at her death and a number of characters meet for the first time, including three-year olds Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. Part 24 of All That We Have Left series

  • All That We Have Left

    (November 1, 2004): James and Lily Potter have been killed in a car accident leaving their one year old son, Harry, an orphan. In the midst of their grief, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black discover that the Potters have left guardianship of Harry to them. (Newly Edited/Beta'd/Completed. Enjoy!) Part 22 of All That We Have Left series

  • Embrace the Storm

    When Lily Evans rescues three young men off the coast of the island she calls home, she slowly falls in love with the one who calls himself James Potter. But Lily has an incredible secret and a life that is threatened by darkness in this tale of love, motherhood, free will and second natures. Posts Fridays.

  • There is a Light That Never Goes Out

    (October 31, 2004) A series of moments. The final twenty-four hours of the lives of James and Lily Potter. Part 21 of All That We Have Left series

  • Good Morning, Mrs Potter

    (April 20, 2003) James and Lily Potter are on their honeymoon and have an experience to remember. Part 20 of All That We Have Left series

  • The Wrong Moment is the Right Moment

    (January 14, 2003) Lily Evans is barely two months pregnant and receives a proposal at a most inopportune moment. Part 19 of All That We Have Left series

  • Accidental Shippers

    (October 31, 2002) It's Halloween night and James Potter and Lily Evans have just returned from a party, Lily in costume as James T. Kirk and James Potter in costume as Spock. Arriving home, Lily finds she can't resist Spock's Vulcan charms. Part 18 of All That We Have Left series

  • Show Some Restraint, Sirius

    (March 10, 2002) It's Remus Lupin's 19th birthday and he and Sirius have something special planned. Part 17 of All That We Have Left series

  • No Words

    (August 1-6, 2001) After tragedy strikes Sirius Black the only thing he needs is to be in the arms of his boyfriend. Part 16 of All That We Have Left series

  • The Beginning of the Rest of Our Lives

    (Summer 2024) Albus and Scorpius get a flat together fresh out of Hogwarts and Scorpius accidentally proposes.

  • Are you… Engorgimpressed?

    (Summer 2022) With Scorpius's father out of town, he and his best friend/boyfriend, Albus Potter are going to take full advantage of the situation.

  • The Three Rules for Kissing Scorpius Malfoy

    (Fall 2021) Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Potter can't seem to keep their hands and mouths off of each other. Luckily, Scorpius has three simple rules that should (in theory) keep it under control, or at the very least keep them out of detention.

  • Tangling with the Scorpion King

    (Summer 2021) Albus Potter didn't realise he was in love with his best friend until the moment Scorpius revealed he was going on a date with Albus's cousin, Rose Granger-Weasley. Distraught and confused he seeks the advice of Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley, who may be able to help him set things right.

  • A Liar and a Coward

    (July 29 - July 30, 2001) When Peter Pettigrew spots his friend Sirius's brother, Regulus, with their old rival, Severus Snape, he's faced with a choice to be honest or keep the secret to protect himself.

  • Wish You Were Here

    (July 15, 2001) James Potter is a matter of days away from moving in with his girlfriend, Lily Evans but for now he's on holiday in Greece and he'll have to settle for some fun via mobile phones for the moment.