
  • How the Wind Slashes

    Loor's emotions in the first moments after her mother's death.

  • Let's Not Play Games

    Prim asks Katniss to help her reach some objects upon shelves that are too tall for her, but Katniss refuses. Post-Mockingjay.

  • It's Like This

    "'It's like this,' he tells Katniss as he coaxes her out of one of her fits. 'There's death, and there's life, and we can't be in both at the same time.'" A missing moment from the end of Mockingjay, told from Peeta's perspective. Everlark.

  • Christmas Lights

    Hermione is home for the Christmas holidays. On her way home from buying chestnuts, she runs into the last person she ever expected to see in her Muggle neighborhood. Mild Draco/Hermione.

  • One of Them

    A drabble about one of the many families broken apart by Voldemort's reign.

  • News

    A drabble in which a young Minerva McGonagall discusses World War Two with her Headmaster.

  • Crossroads

    She knew where she was right now, but did not know where to go from such a point.

  • Idols

    “Hi,” she said breathlessly, and then cringed. She was talking to her idol at last – the man who had been her hero throughout her entire twenty five years of life – and all she could come up with was hi?

  • No More

    It had only been yesterday. It seemed so much long ago already, as is often the feeling of one who has experienced something that drastically alters their entire world.

  • The Five Senses

    Sirius Black explores his five senses. Sirius/Lily. Oneshot.

  • Meaningful

    --She knows that it’s silly, the way that she feels about him. She knows that he’ll never feel the same way about her. She knows that she’s married, and shouldn’t feel this way about him in the first place.-- Bellatrix contemplates love and flowers.

  • Mint Versus Mistletoe

    Often, when we do something, we have an intention behind the action. We usually finish the action with rather different intentions, however. Bellatrix learns this one evening when she goes to visit Severus at his home in Spinner's End. Severus/Bellatrix.

  • Simply Isn't In Their Nature

    Lucius and Andromeda go on their second date as an engaged couple. Things go rather badly, putting it mildly. For fanfic100, prompt sixty, drink.

  • Let It Rain, Let It Pour

    Andromeda taught Lucius to “tolerate” the snow, but what about the rain? For fanfic100, prompts sixtysix and fourteen rewrite , snow and green respectively. Pretty fluffy.

  • When You're Gone

    All may be well for those in league with Harry Potter, but this isn't the case for those who supported Lord Voldemort. Rodolphus Lestrange flees from Hogwarts after his lord's demise, but he can't ever flee her, no matter how far gone she is physically.

  • Forever And Always

    Weddings: the joining of two individuals into a united life. But what if the individuals are already joined? And what if the individuals who are already bonded in some undefinable way, what if they are not being wed to each other? Lucius/Andromeda.

  • Needing, Wanting, Knowing

    A poem about how Andromeda feels after she breaks things off with Lucius. For fanfic100, prompt ninety seven, writer's choice.

  • Those Slytherin Quidditch Players

    Andromeda Black works on her politeness, and Lucius Malfoy endures his fellow teammates’ hecklings. For fanfic100, prompt twenty six, teammates.

  • PreArranged

    Lucius and Andromeda discover that their parents have made an arrangement for their offspring, without their consent. For fanfic100, prompt seventy two, fixed. I've taken 'fixed' to mean more like 'arranged' rather than 'repaired'.

  • To Dance With You

    Lucius and Andromeda attend a formal pureblood gathering. For fanfic100, prompt thirteen, yellow. Just general LuciusXAndromeda happiness and fluff. Well, as happy and fluffy as these two get, anyway.