
  • Multum In Parvo

    Multum In Parvo is Latin for: Much in little, or small but significant. Bellatrix Lestrange goes on the next great adventure, meeting someone she never expected to see again along the way.

  • Numquam Periit Amor

    After the final battle, Andromeda goes to Hogwarts to find her daughter, meeting with others whom she did not expect to see along the way.

  • What Could Have Been

    Exploring what life might have been like for Andromeda had she wed Lucius Malfoy instead of Ted Tonks. Very AU, obviously. For fanfic100, prompt eighty seven, life.

  • The Joining Of The Offspring

    The Blacks and the Malfoys discuss their children. For fanfic100, prompt twenty seven, parents.

  • Unbreakable Bonds

    The Malfoys pay Andromeda a visit. DH spoilers. Written for fanfic100, prompt twenty four, family.

  • Color Choices

    Lucius gives Andromeda a rather green present at Hogwarts. Written for fanfic100, prompt fourteen, green.

  • In The Beginning

    The first meeting of Lucius Malfoy and Andromeda Black. Written for fanfic100 on Livejournal, prompt one, Beginnings.

  • Shadows of Hope

    The war ended several years ago, but Draco is still struggling to come to terms with what has happened. His wife sends him out with their son in the hopes that he can move beyond his past. DH Spoilers.

  • Last Moments of Insanity

    Barty Crouch Jr. is bound to the floor, waiting for the dementors to come. Struggling to remain concious, he tries to fight off the dementors, wildly summoning a memory from his youth.

  • Potter

    A drabble in which Severus Snape sees Harry Potter for the first time.

  • An Irreversible Forever

    A drabble in which Lucius Malfoy is about to become a Death Eater.

  • Twitters in the Night

    Bellatrix Black is practicing some spells, when she is interupted by her sister. A quick snapshot into the Blacks sisters' lives.

  • The Sun Will Rise

    Bellatrix has spent countless years in Azkaban. One night she gets the chance to escape. A missing scene from OotP. Won first place in a contest on Mugglenet Fan-Fiction.

  • Flibbertigibbet

    Narcissa Black is called a word that she does not know the definition of. Curious to find out the meaning, she strikes up a conversation with Severus Snape. A light, short piece showing a snippet of Narcissa's time at Hogwarts.

  • Always Off The Mark

    Merope Gaunt is sick of bending over backwards to please her family, is sick of always doing things wrong, is sick of always being off the mark. She mixes up a potion to change her life, hoping that maybe this time she's done something right.

  • Flames in the Fire

    A Death Eater watches the flames in his fireplace, and reflects over his life.

  • Green is Not a Primary Color

    Salazar Slytherin fled Hogwarts a mere day ago. Now, scarred and pained, the Four Founders reflect on broken promises and the memories of what used to be.

  • Living With What's Done

    The story of Selena Snape, Severus Snape's sister. Follow Selena as she reflects over how she and Severus used to be, and as she tries to come to terms with who her brother is now.

  • Christmas Eve with the Snapes

    Eileen Snape decorates the Christmas tree, and Tobias Snape looks on.

  • A Holiday Miracle

    Tom Riddle calls a meeting and gives those attending a present, of sorts. Not your average Christmas time miracle...