
  • To Mend Broken Bridges

    Night after night the dream returns. One evening she decides to follow it. Will following the dreams' footsteps provide the same results in life? Will time have healed all wounds? Can broken bridges ever be mended?

  • Red

    Red is a striking color. Severus Snape/Hermione Granger.

  • The Lies of Laughter

    Bellatrix rejoices after she murders Sirius. Yet the curious fact remains that Bellatrix murdered her hated cousin not with the green killing curse, but a strange red flash. Appearances, choices, and morality are never black-or-white, not even within the notoriously immoral soul of Bellatrix Lestrange.

  • Remember Me

    Draco has lived a dull, solitary life under the Dark Lord's rule for the past two years. One night Pansy Parkinson steps into his life, changing everything he knows. Draco Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson.

  • Nothing

    What do you do when there's nothing left to do?

  • His Only Strand Of Light

    He had failed them, he had failed himself…and he had failed her. Severus/Hermione.

  • Decisions

    On a mission for the Dark Lord, Severus Snape takes a walk through the Department of Mysteries...

  • Finding Your Future

    All his life, Peter Pettigrew has been pushed to the side. Desperate, distraught, and tired of being second rate, he sets out on a much needed vacation, and finds a little pub named the Green Dragon...

  • To Be Heard

    The final battle with Voldemort is won, but Luna still has some things she needs to do before she can move on with her life. Ron Weasley and Luna Lovegood oneshot.

  • Birds of a Feather

    A drabble in which Fawkes and Hedwig go on a date together. Rather silly.

  • The Unbreakable Vow

    Fred and George persuade a very young Ron to make an Unbreakable Vow with them.

  • An Exchange Over Pumpkins

    A drabble in which Lavender Brown has just had her heart broken by Ron Weasley. But maybe someone else can try and comfort her . . . Blaise Zabini/Lavender Brown. Sort of.

  • Palm Readings

    A drabble in which Trelawney has decided to predict Severus' future, but even she could not have predicted what she feels for him. Severus Snape and Sybill Trelawney. Although it's rather one sided.

  • Lips of an Angel

    Desperate to contact their only son, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy agree to allow a Mugglemade phone into their house. Lucius is sitting in his house one night when the phone rings, but it isn't Draco on the other line . . . Lucius/Andromeda.

  • In Memory

    The sister of Severus Snape travels to Hogwarts to find the truths she has been long denied, and to resolve the untied ends she still has with her brother. DH Spoilers! Off shoot to Living With What's Done, but can be read seperately.

  • But If We

    Andromeda reflects on what could have been had she wed another man, had she wed Lucius Malfoy. For fanfic100, prompt eighty two, if.

  • He and She

    Andromeda reflects on Lucius, and Lucius reflects on Andromeda. Written for fanfic100: prompt eighty four, he and prompt eighty five, she. First chapter is prompt eighty four, second is prompt eighty five.

  • All He Ever Did

    Lucius receives news from his fellow Death Eaters. For fanfic100, prompt thirty, death.

  • Ubi Amor, Ibi Dolor

    This is the story of how Andromeda didn't run away from her family because she was in love with a Muggleborn, but because she was in love with a pureblood she knew she could never realistically be in a relationship with. Lucius/Andromeda.

  • Trying To Pretend

    Lucius’ fury was beyond his grasp: he slashed his wand through the air again . . . Takes place sometime during Chapter Two of Ubi Amor, Ibi Dolor, but will still probably make sense if you haven't read UAIB. For fanfic 100, prompt eleven, red.