Princess Ler

  • I Open At The Close

    Rose Weasley is eighty-nine years old and has been diagnosed with Maskohydious Disease, which renders her due to die in a week. But on her final day, she makes an unprecedented trip to her attic that results in the finding of a certain watch. In her final moments, she opens the watch and when she wakes up, she is... Nineteen and blonde? Ten/Rose with a little Rose/Scorpius

  • Five Demigods, a Titaness, and a Jedi or Two

    It was a normal day at Leo and Calypso's Garage. Jason, Piper, Annabeth, and Percy had stopped through, and all was fine. But when Leo finds a mysterious silver hilt in his workshop, everything changes- and they find themselves in a Separatist Base- confronted with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his former apprentice, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker... Read and review please!

  • Everything's Relative

    "So, you were going to tell me about those visions you had as a Padawan?" "Mm. You see, it started out as a vision, but by the time I was seventeen, it had become much, much, more..." Ties in with Break in the Flow and explains the escapade of Obi-Wan Kenobi into the life of Ben Creighton, math genius, cellist, future MIT student, and resident of Cambridge, Massachusetts. R&R plz!

  • Clash of the Fandoms I: Catchphrase Theft in the Arena

    Fiction runs wild as characters from Harry Potter, Star Wars, Divergent, Lord of the Rings, The Hunger Games, Doctor Who, and The Wizard of Oz find themselves in an arena with no copyright placed on their catchphrases. Says Divergent and Hunger Games but is more than that. Idea is courtesy of a friend of mine, and of course his lunch. Reviews and peanut butter are food for da muse.

  • In Reality: Centuries Old In Their Mind? Four

    When Nine and Ten are mysteriously drawn to Eleven's location on the planet of Chicago, they thought it would only cause a small, fixable paradox. Once toxic gas finds its way onto the TARDIS, the Doctors are quick to reassure their companions Jones, Tyler, and the Ponds that its harmless to humans; not deadly to Timelords. So now, 9, 10, and 11 look and act age 4. Deaged!Doctor

  • Memoirs of an Inadvertent Jedi-To-Be

    It was a small booklet, no bigger than a leaf. As a matter of fact, the cover seemed to be made of pressed leaves. Anakin opened the book and flipped through the pages experimentally, marveling at how the handwriting changed from an untidy child's scrawl to an adult's neat script. He turned aside the cover and looked at what was inscribed there: Obi-Wan Kenobi, aged six. AU. R&R!

  • Break in the Flow

    AU Time travel fic. 13 year old Obi-Wan Kenobi had been yanked into the future, and Anakin Skywalker and Master Kenobi were not happy about the arrangements for Skywalker's new Padawan. Things could be worse, though. Possibly. Read and review. You know the drill.