

  • Shall We Dance?

    Beverly is struggling to unwind during some mandatory decompression therapy. While Data proves to be an admirable dance partner-capable of keeping pace with her for hours on end-he's not the partner she needs. A not-so-short drabble featuring our favourite couple. COMPLETE.

  • The Truths We Hide

    Jean-Luc has something he wants to tell Beverly, but it's a truth she's not going to be comfortable hearing. IN PROGRESS

  • Written in the Stars

    Jack introduces Beverly to Jean-Luc. (It's not nearly as pleasant as that sounds, btw.) My first-ever Mirror Universe attempt. This is the closest I've ever come to writing P/C that doesn't have a happy ending. I wrote this way back in the day, but the memory of it begged to be revisited.

  • Fade to Grey

    Beverly and Klingons! I originally posted this as Firinn3, but never finished it. IN PROGRESS (Chapter 13 is being written as of 17 Nov 2021.)

  • Burdens of Command

    The end of the Dominion War comes with a heavy price for Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Enterprise. A newly-signed treaty between the Federation and the Cardassians leads to an exchange of prisoners; an exchange that not only re-opens the scars caused by events on Celtris III, but threatens to finish what Gul Madred began all those years ago. (M for violence.)

  • Testing a Hypothesis

    A snippet of what might happen if the 'first time' isn't all that and a bag of chips for our dynamic duo. Don't worry - it all works out in the end. Originally penned in 2009 (good lord, just how long have I been shipping these two?). COMPLETE

  • (Don't) Speak for Yourself

    This was originally penned in 2010 in response to a challenge to write a story where neither Picard nor Crusher spoke. It's a little rough around the edges (and 12 years old), but it's got a few quips in it that still make me chuckle. I hope you enjoy it too. COMPLETE

  • Staycation Challenge

    What happens when our intrepid heroes find themselves wagering on who can "vacation" better? Only Picard and Crusher could turn a staycation on board the Enterprise into a competitive sport. Set somewhere around season four. Originally penned in 2009 (holy cow, do I feel old), I figured I'd dust off this little piece of fluff and share it.

  • Honeymoon

    One-shot. Title says it all. COMPLETE.

  • Planting Memories

    Dr. Beverly Crusher cannot remember why she has tried to remove the captain from command-ten days in a row-and as she struggles to solve the mystery, she discovers an even darker plot unfolding on the ship: one that will result in the complete genocide of another alien species. And she's the only one who can stop it. Warning: Some scenes may be disturbing. COMPLETE.

  • A Little Dash of Courage

    Set during the Riker wedding at the start of 'Nemesis.' My idea of what should have happened between our illustrious couple before the whole movie went horribly wrong... COMPLETE.

  • The Picard Maneuver

    Remember way back at the start of season one when Picard and Crusher weren't afraid of getting too close to one another? (I am blatantly ignoring the change to the game plan by TPTB, and am keeping in the spirit of Beverly's character serving as Chief Medical Officer AND Picard's love interest.) Here's how I think it could have played out... COMPLETE.