
  • Naruto the Storm King

    There are no 'what ifs'. Naruto sealed all of Kyuubi's chakra into himself, enabling him to defeat Madara. However, Madara sends Naruto to a different dimension as a final action of revenge. "Only Dragonslayers can kill dragons? Ignorance. Only Godslayers can kill gods? Arrogance. Heh, I'm Uzumaki Naruto!" Earthland had better prepare, because an unpredictable maelstrom has arisen.

  • Night Raid's Lazy Assassin

    Meet Naruto. Idiot, genius, badass, dumbass, intuitive, clumsy, bastard, and a number of other details, but officially a lazy blond teen that prefers doing nothing over everything. At least quick assassinations should fit his lazy character, right? "I really don't feel like doing anything today. You guys can skedaddle and I'll just...actually, I'll just kill you all now. Cheers!"

  • As You Are

    Almost immediately after passing the 'special test' to become a Genin, Naruto is thrown into a new world because of a failed Jutsu he learned from the Forbidden Scroll. Learning that the world he came into is filled with mages and magic, not ninjas and chakra, Naruto realizes that he needs to adapt...and quickly, too. But there's a problem: Naruto hates school. Kenjutsu Naruto.