
  • The Shape of You

    With the recent death of their old alpha the King's pack are testing packmates eager to become a Kingsman when an intruder shows up on their land. An intruder, they soon find out, who is actually the son of a former pack member. And this new young wolf is not only very much Kingsman material...but has the bloodlines to challenge Chester King for the position of new alpha.

  • Pet Me

    Slight AU. To punish Batman Ra's al Ghul has the man's Beta lover, John Blake, kidnapped and handed over to Bane to be his Pet. There's 3 problems with that. One, Blake is not Wayne's lover, Bane is way more his type. Two, Blake is most definitely the type to play dirty when it comes to getting what he wants. And three...Blake isn't actually a Beta.

  • Home

    Magical AU. Harry Hart is less than thrilled when informed that he's expected to take custody of the three year old daughter of his former step brother, Dean. The only other option is to give her to her older half brother, but the boy is obviously not up to raising a child on his own without help. But could he be a nanny instead? Maybe?

  • My Beginning and End

    AU version of My End and My Beginning. Eggsy used the time machine to go back to save Harry...only his broken machine messed with his memories and he can't really remember who he is or why he's in the past. Just that he needs to protect someone named Harry. Thankfully his crash landing draws Kingsman attention, so he found Harry...and they know who he is?

  • Art of Living

    Canon Divergent. Gotham billionaire Bane and Lieutenant Robin Blake have a few things in common. Both have very mysterious pasts that they go to considerable lengths to hide, a deep love for art, and an unfortunate attraction to individuals who are as dangerous as they are attractive.

  • John's Ex Boyfriend?

    A crack oneshot where Detective John Blake and exorcist John Constantine meet up in a bar and discuss the ex they are each currently avoiding. Strangely enough the man in question for both of them is really well built with scars. Who can also be really hard to understand, and is a member of the Suicide Squad. Coincidence?

  • Someday

    When Teddy goes to take a look at a former Black family heirloom, he never expected it to be a painting. He certainly never expected said painting to be of Regulus Black, with the doomed teenage wizard actually smiling in the picture. Most of all though, he didn't expect to start having the strangest dreams, as he sees Regulus through the eyes of the painter.

  • Saving You

    Teddy Lupin is currently in possession of the weirdest cat he's ever met, and his best friend has also recently got one that's equally...unique and unusual. This is no coincidence though, because both cats are in fact former wizards with ulterior motives of their own, as well as trying to protect their idiot 'owners' from a new threat to Hogwarts' students.

  • Olympic Valentine

    Arthur Blake of the United States and his long time rival Tom Eames of Great Britain are competing against each other in the Olympic debut of slopestyle freestyle skiing. let the Games begin. Yeah...I never realized that Valentine's Day takes place during the Olympics...so I had to.

  • Louis's Teddy Bear

    Louis needs a place to crash for a month and talks family friend Teddy into letting him stay with him, having no idea just how wrapped around his little finger Teddy really is.

  • Happy Halloween

    At the age of five Albus and Scorpius meet up at a Halloween party, neither knowing who the other is. Things get a bit complicated though, when Albus mistakens Scorpius for a girl.

  • Last Night

    An impromptu party for the teaching faculty of Hogwarts takes a very unexpected turn for two of its teachers when both men drink way too much and let their egos get the better of them later on. How Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy will handle things the day after...now that will be almost as interesting as what happened that night.

  • His Purrfect Mate

    Everything should have been okay, the plans to leave in the works, but of course Talia has to ruin everything by causing more trouble for Blake and his family with Bane caught in the middle. Obviously the town just isn't big enough for the both of them...and when one more person is added to the mix the final showdown between Talia and the Gotham Compound is on.

  • Lines We Cross

    Nineteen year old Bane is well on his way to becoming Gotham's latest menace when he is injured during a fight and helped by a police officer, one who strangely enough doesn't seem frightened of him or his mask. Intrigued and determined to understand Officer Blake, Bane has no idea what he's getting himself into. Neither does Blake.

  • A Magical Bond

    The closest Scorpius Malfoy had ever gotten to Albus Potter was to admire the Gryffindor from afar. Then an accident at Burgin and Burkes changes everything by linking the two in a way they could have never seen coming.

  • Summer Fun

    Summer has arrived and the Potter and Weasley kids can't wait to have some fun with each other and their friends. Full of short story fun, hope you enjoy!

  • My Precious

    Modern Setting. Due to an epic breakup years ago, the only contact Thorin and Bilbo have with each other is a result of their four year old son Frodo. Or so they'd tell you if you asked. Then Bilbo makes the mistake of going on a date with this guy he met online, who turns out to be a crazy serial killer...and suddenly Thorin isn't looking so bad in comparison.

  • His Firecracker

    A Potions Master's attempt to steal Snape's intelligence from the man's portrait backfires, and Snape ends up in control of the man's body. And if that's not bad enough, he's stuck living and working with Lily L. Potter too. Let the fireworks begin.

  • Walking Dead Christmas

    A 'Walking Dead' version of 'Twas The Night Before Christmas'. Hope you enjoy and Merry Christmas!

  • Using One's Words

    It's been four months since Alexei and Hugo broke up, and the Slytherin was sure he was on the road to getting over it right up until the point where he found out that Hugo had published a book about them. Uh oh.