
  • Vastly Different

    The three of them are vastly different. Nori seems shifty to those who first meet her. A little rough around the edges and hard to get close to; a punk her brother Dori would call her. Bofur seems to always be happy, laughing and smiling about something. Bilba's shy and quietest by far, easy to fluster which the other two love. Fem!Bofur, Fem!Nori, Fem!Bilba

  • Take My Pain

    Seized by the gold sickness, Fili rapes Bilbo deep in the halls of Erebor and leaves him alone. When Bilbo is found, Thorin threatens to execute the person who did this and Kili will go to any lengths to protect his brother. Rated M for rape, elements of rape recovery and possible violence.

  • The Shadow of Yesterday

    Banished from Rohan, an elf, Enora flees to the Blue Mountains, seeking shelter and help from the dwarves. However betrayal is a difficult thing to forgive; trust even more difficult to rebuild. She carries a child in her arms that looks like she belongs to the line of Durin; a courting braid in her hair and many other secrets buried between.

  • Used to It

    When Bilbo joined the company of dwarves; he hoped, maybe he couldn't be so alone. But he felt more alone than ever.

  • The Drawing

    It's unfinished but he can see it's meant to take up the whole page. The outline of a couple stares at each other. The man stares at the woman with affection, his lips turned up in a small smile. The woman's face is softer as she stares back at the man in wonder. Kili traces his fingers over the outline of the man, marveling at so much detail in a simple picture.

  • Nobody's Fault

    It was nobody's fault—not really. But still Nori cried.

  • More Than, Less Than

    Neither of the hobbits moves for a long time; simply staring at the other. For a moment, Ori wonders if they've turned into statues until he sees the unfamiliar hobbit shrink away. He watches silently, Mister Baggins allow his hand to fall back to his side dejectedly.

  • Jasmine

    Fili prided himself on being composed and proper. It was practically his art. He'd been groomed and raised all his life to be this way; prepared to be to become king when it was time. But this halfling made things nearly impossible. Fem!Bilbo Rated M for some sexual content.

  • Wait

    A series of drabbles, each told from the point of view of one of the Sweeney Todd characters.

  • Delicate Dolls

    Leah struggles to come to terms with Sam's choice.