
  • Wild at Heart

    As the wolves all stalked the cattle Bilbo wandered towards the back of the house where trash sat. Her stomach gave a grumble as Bilbo knocked the can over and dug through the discarded food and items. Bilbo ignored the stench in favor of shoving food into her mouth: muffins, carrots, apple slices. Stale, mushy, it didn't matter. This was food and it was what she needed. Fem!Bilbo

  • Shelter Me

    Aura is known as the miracle baby, abandoned outside a restaurant weeks after her kidnapping. Her mother died in an accident and her father passed away shortly after her mother's death. Living with her uncle is simple: he's a hospital cleaner and they have a routine. If only ghosts understood that routine and didn't hover to offer tea and invite her over to their flat.

  • Love is Blindness

    She is Arwen Undómiel, the beardless angel according to Frerin and hopelessly wishing that circumstances were different. With each passing day she ponders that and wonders just who she is, what she is. Even as she lies in pain, listening to the healers encourage her to breathe she wonders. With each push and cry that leaves her lips she tries to figure it out.

  • No Turning Back

    Bilba's body is cleaned and prepared for burial. Letters will be written later to tell her family of her death but for now all eyes in the room hover over the children lying side by side. Both sport round cheeks and button noses. But there were obvious differences between them. Bungo seemed to sport more hobbit features while his sister had more dwarvish features.

  • Night Sky

    Bofur lies tangled up in Christmas lights with the ever present grin on his face. With each click he becomes more and more tangled in the lights and the smile on his face larger and larger until Dwalin sighs. From behind her comes a thoughtful hum and then the weight of someone resting themselves on her shoulders. Fem!Dwalin, fem!Nori. Part nine of Femslash February.

  • Down the Road

    It becomes a routine in the afternoons, after she does her check for Nori to take Meeko and go to Bombur's house. To sit down with Bifur and watch as Abby chases around the cat who tries its best to dodge all of her grabs. Each day she brings her sketchbook to show Bifur the art of that day: a new piece, a finished piece. Part 7 of Femslash February. Fem!Bifur, Fem!Ori, Fem!Bilbo.

  • Waiting

    She remembers the restlessness slowly melting away with each step that she took, her steps growing lighter and lighter. And then, Dwalin remembers hearing that woman's voice. The voice had come so unexpectedly she nearly fell over as she stopped. The voice was soft and teasing as it tickled at the edges of her mind. Fem!Dwalin. Part 6 of Femslash February.

  • Passing of Youth

    So she wonders now if the feeling blooming in the pit of her stomach and swelling in her chest is just a passing of her youth. She remembers seeing the elf maid step through the door of their tiny house with daggers in hand. How easily she sliced the orcs down, effortless in her actions and graceful in her movements. Part five of Femslash February.

  • Float Away

    She screams every curse and obscenity that she knows as she tries in vain to bring him back to life with a shake, with a squeeze. She screams in a raw, animalistic tone as she begs him to come back, to wake up, to stop this, stop it right now. Fem!Thorin/Belladonna Took. Part 4 of Femslash February.

  • Five Times Dori Helped Dwalin and the One Time Dwalin Helped Dori

    It wasn't that she didn't like kids. It was that these kids were being trusted to her. These kids' worlds had just fallen out from underneath their feet and now were going to be settled with their cousin. In her opinion, they should have gone to Balin. Balin, who was already doing something with life and had decided years ago. Fem!Dwalin, fem!Dori. Part three of Femslash February.

  • Princess of Erebor

    Someday she will be the rightful princess of Erebor after her uncle and mother's passing. But never will she sit on the throne. No Fili's place is not on the throne but beside her husband, a dwarf is preferred that she could produce strong heirs with. And if those children produced are boys, they would sit on the throne.Fem!Fili, Fem!Bilbo, Fem!Bofur. Part 2 of Femslash February.

  • Acceptance

    The being in front of her is small and could be mistaken for a child in some human places. Her face is beardless but her feet are hairy, hairier than any male's that Dís has ever seen and very large. The hair there is a light, sandy blonde, the same color as the hair atop her head. She's not a creature that Dís has ever seen before. Fem!Bilbo. Part one of Femslash February.

  • Strider's Beginning

    Arwen Undómiel is beautiful in every sense of the word. Her oval shaped face is smooth, free of any blemishes or scars. Her skin, ivory white set off by long, dark tresses that seem to shine and shimmer. There's no questioning that she is the Evenstar of her people. But she is not the Evenstar of her husband. Aragorn smiles as she takes his arm and nods to all the people. Fem!Bilbo

  • Idiotic Ventures

    If anyone asked Nori his opinion, Dori had done a lot of idiotic things in his life. But this was by far the worst. Nori scowls, tapping his fingers on the counter as Dori runs about the living room fussing over every little bit of dust and dirt. Warning: Rape, self harm, underage, sexual abuse and slash. If you don't like it then don't read it.

  • Thicker than Blood

    here will be repercussions this time and Nori almost wants to make a joke. Ask him what the great Thorin Oakenshield is doing, slumming around with the whores. But she sees the glint of the razor and clenches her jaw shut as he lifts it to her beard. Now everyone will know. Fem!Nori and Fem!Bilbo.

  • Children of My Heart

    Each step is more difficult than the last, her legs heavy as lead. Her gown once thin and gauzy has been ripped to shreds. Her skin previously smooth and ivory is now decorated by scratches, scrapes and lacerations. Her hair clings to her face with sweat and blood and as Arwen collapses it falls in her face, forming a curtain from the outside world.

  • What I'll Remember

    "I suppose that I'll look for the sun because if I can no longer remember a time that I was Bilbo Baggins of Bag End, I don't want to be alive. And the last thing I want to see is the sun. I'll probably remember this time. When the star haired dwarf with the mischievous eyes talked to me. And I'll remember how I wished that I met him before all of this." Implied slash. AU

  • Signs of Love

    "I love ye." Bofur whispers and turns towards the tree, an ornament in hand. There are no amounts of words he can use to describe how much he loves Bilbo. No amount of sign language he can use either to say it. Deaf Bilbo

  • China Doll

    It was true; dwarves had a great appreciation for metals and gold. But he had grown to love flowers as well; something his family still struggled to understand. And he wishes now that he could tell her of his own love for flowers. But he knows the lass won't understand a word he says.

  • Stealing a Heart

    At first, he thinks it's simply a speck; a smudge of dirt on the burglar's face, below her nose to the left, inches above her lips. He kneels closer and closer until his nose is inches from hers. With a calloused finger, Nori reaches up and attempts to wipe it off. He doesn't expect the burglar to wake up with a shriek. Fem!Bilbo