
  • Something Imaginary

    My birth is nothing more than a story now—legend in some races. Told around fires to children to scare them and keep them from going out at night. As far as they know I am nothing more than a fairy tale with a dark twist. Something imaginary. I was something that lived in nightmares. And I didn't mind it continuing to be that way. It would have continued to be that way were it no

  • As I See It

    He wanted to know if all hobbits had such large feet; why they didn't wear shoes; did all of them have such large families? Ori's eager to ask her all this; he'd even written down the questions so he could remember. But all the questions are forgotten as he catches sight of Bella. Female!Bilbo

  • Young and Beautiful

    He's too young to have seen war like this. He's too young to bear the scars he's earned from this war. He's too young to have witnessed such horrors; such greed. He's too young to be holding their dying burglar in his arms. Fem!Bilbo

  • For My Smiles

    If there was one thing Bilbo Baggins was: she was a proper hobbit. And proper hobbits did not get hot and bothered over dwarves. Especially not dwarves who wore ridiculous hats. And who seemed to have deemed it his personal goal in life to make her blush and stutter with a raunchy joke or story. No, that simply was not what proper hobbits did. And she was a proper hobbit. Fem!Bilbo

  • Fool of a Took

    Really the only person at fault was her. She for falling in love so freely with a dwarrowdam who wanted nothing to do with her and probably moved on by now. While she was laid up in bed with swollen ankles and an aching heart that wouldn't cease. Fem!Bilbo. Fem!Dori. Part of Afternoon Tea but can be read as a standalone. Contains fpreg.

  • I Never Knew

    Foneth lays there in the dark, her hand running through Gilornor's hair. She tells him tale after tale about heroes, princes and princesses, dragons and goblins. She can't tell when the battle cries turned to screams. Or when the screams turned into cries of agony. Gilornor's nearly asleep when the first scream rips through the air, his eyes peering up at Foneth with curiosity.

  • The Melody to My Heart

    Finding your one is supposed to be a celebrated thing. But there are age differences, family interference, language barriers and all sorts of secrets in between. It's difficult to make something a celebration when every step is a fight to keep it together. Sequel to the Prince's Elf. Dwalin/OC. Balin/OC. Fili/OC. Kili/OC. Nori/OC. Ori/OC.

  • Afternoon Tea

    "My brothers need me," Dori says quietly, glancing back towards where Nori and Ori are. "And in a way, I need them." He confesses. Bella watches him silently, following his gaze towards the others. Fem!Bilbo

  • Like Birds

    The thing about cancer is there's no amount of flowers, hugs, kisses, games or promises that when your significant other needs your heart, you'll give it to them can save them.

  • Bed of Flowers

    He could never picture her draped in gems and jewels. Those would only weigh her down Ori feared. And he loved more than anything, the light step in her walk as she went about her day. No, he could never picture her draped in gold, gems, jewelry or treasure. It had to be flowers. Fem!Bilbo

  • Pieces of Us

    All she knows are bruises, blood, loss and nightmares. All he knows is laughter, love and joy. Modern day. Bofur/OC

  • Swimming Lessons

    His nephews had the ability to cause a ridiculous amount of trouble if someone looked away for a split second. Even while someone was watching them the two could cause trouble. He dreaded thinking about just what they could possibly do on this trip. Kili would probably set the record for the youngest person to set a forest fire. Fem!Bilbo

  • Fairy Tales

    Nori's never quite the same, her faith in fairy tales never restored. She believes them to be childish nonsense that mothers tell their kids so they'll go to sleep. And she plans to continue to believe this. And she would did she not meet Bilbo Baggins. Fem!Nori. Rated M for language and non-graphic rape.

  • The Fate of an Elf

    The wedding would certainly be one for the entire Shire to remember: a hobbit and an elf. Belladonna Took's girl getting married. Who would ever have guessed it? The residents of the Shire were shocked but at the same time they weren't. They attended the wedding and many tears, laughter and jokes were exchanged with each other. Fem!Bilbo

  • Fear Controls

    If anyone from that night was still alive, my mother or the midwives I can only imagine the horrors they would tell. The others in the village said there was sudden, sharp screams coming from the house, desperate and pleading. Screams from my mother and the midwives who shouted for someone, anyone to help them and then slowly one by one, the screams dissolved into silence.

  • The Prince's Elf

    Thorin is called to another kingdom for negotiations. He brings along his nephews to prepare for the day they will take the throne. Upon their arrival, they're shocked to see that they use elves as their servants and slaves. They follow strict rules and codes; punishments following if they break them. But Fili can't help himself. He sees her and knows. She's his one. Post Quest.

  • The Adventure I Need

    He sees neither hide nor hair of Bilba until he's been there for nearly three weeks. He's finished his duties for the day and is going to collect Ori from the library. Ori's there as usual. But Ori's standing in between the bookshelves with a look of nervous awe on his face as he stares at something. The person in front of him has their back turned to Ori. Fem!Bilbo

  • Only Temporary

    Midna promised him that she would see him later. And now each morning he stands waiting for her, wondering if today will be the day the twilight covers Hyrule once more. Until then he keeps promising himself this is only temporary. Rated M for sexual content.

  • Stone Hearts

    Their burglar's body is cold as stone. Bifur gives it a tentative poke and gets no response. Bilba's forehead is stained with blood, her eyes closed and her body cold. But her chest still rises and falls. She's the only living thing among a battlefield filled with death and destruction. Part six of China Doll. Can be read as a stand alone.

  • Set Them Free

    "My mother used to tell me," Bilba says tearfully. "If you love something set it free. I see in your eyes that you don't want to be here with me. And that you want Dwalin and I'm not what you want—and I can't make you happy. Maybe you loved me long ago but I see in your eyes that I don't hold your heart anymore." Fem!Bilbo Part six of As I See It. Can be read as a standalone.