
  • Popularity Polls Can Go to Hell

    (Based on the latest popularity poll.) Everyone has a rank number from the poll, but when someone gets attacked for their rank, a war for the top spot has emerged. This will not be serious. At all. Done.

  • Assasin's Creed: Chaoic Dynasties

    Set in the Three Kingdoms era of Ancient China, a man tries to find his true purpose in life while getting caught in wars between the kingdoms Shu, Wu, and Wei. Basically, Assassin's Creed set in China.

  • Taking care of WEN YANG for Dummies

    A manual for the WEN YANG unit.

  • Taking care of ZHONG HUI for Dummies

    A manual for the ZHONG HUI unit.

  • Raise your hand and speak up Now go stand in the hallway

    I'm bored. Here's what's gonna go down. You. Ask. A character on anything, even advice. Daring is ok. So...that's it! Ask a character in the form of a review, and Takasugi here will pull them out the portal and set them here even it means to duct tape them to a chair. This fic is closed. Really. No, I'm serious. Why won't you believe me! Really! Come on, it is!

  • Why don't they have a damn anime already? Samurai Warriors is getting

    one when their game comes out Oh, wait Koei sucks at writing and development of characters. Maybe add some more humor in certain spots and I'll watch it. Or they're just biased. Oh, I'm getting off-topic. Here are DW characters if they had stereotypical sit-coms and dramas.

  • Some things are worth forgetting, so wash it all down in booze!

    What happens if the DW characters drank a little-Scratch that- TOO much? May have certain themes that are not appropriate for children and weak-minded teens, has things where I go too far, and extreme stupidity.

  • Honest Anime Trailers:HETALIA

    Warning: These trailers aren't called honest for nothing.

  • Forcing ancient people to live 2000 years into the future? Oh my!

    Director blows up DW China and this forces the characters to live in the real world for a while. It is also possible Director might have really screwed up this time and maybe even destroyed DW China for good. Will they survive in the real world and be able to go back home? Do they want to go back? Can they eat something other than meatbuns for once?

  • Sima Yi Answers Letters

    Inspired by Cao Cao Answers Letters. Sima Yi answers letters from his fellow Dw characters. May have a couple of uncensored swears and Sima Yi being everything in the book of asshole-ry. For first-time readers, read the reviews in order to get some of the letters. I swear if you read the newer chapters, you might think you're reading Gintama. Okay, that's my fault.

  • Taking care of JIA CHONG for Dummies

    A manual on the JIA CHONG unit.

  • Taking care of SIMA YI for Dummies

    A manual for the SIMA YI unit.

  • This is not yaoi, it's a Cast Away and every movie ripoff

    Oh fine, you'll still read it. Sima Yi gets stranded with Guo Jia on an island. Then more stuff happens. Yeah, that's it. Want a cookie for reading this?

  • Ever feel invisible? Well, you're not

    Everyone in the DW universe are invisible for an unknown(not really) reason. Then a big skirmish happens.

  • Raise your hand and do things all over again

    Another Q&A story. Okay, I'm serious this time.

  • Turning very serious games into random stupidity? Challenge accepted

    I take a break from normal writing and make DW characters act out the silliest and stupidest things from any comedy thing I have watched. Basically parodies of things you would not see them parodying.

  • This isn't racist, right?

    What if you let DW characters behind the wheel?

  • Everyone likes porn

    What would happen if you gave a gentlemen's magazine to a DW character? No actual porn in this story.

  • Taking care of GUO HUAI for Dummies

    A manual for the GUO HUAI unit.

  • Taking care of GUO JIA for Dummies

    A manual for the Guo Jia unit.