
  • Never Stop Raining

    "So you pierced your ear by yourself?" gasped Lucy. "Lysander helped me with that part," Lorcan explained. "All I had to do was numb my ear with an ice cube. Your uncle Charlie showed us how to do it, like the old-fashioned way." Lucy just stared at him.

  • Tales From the Lavatory

    What we all wanted to know- If Voldemort became a ghost, where would he go first? Written for the Reunite Challenge by BlueEyes444.

  • Cinnamon Rolls and Iced Cakes

    Dumbledore spun around in his new office chair so that his back was facing Draco. He said, "Take a seat, Mr. Malfoy, and let me explain things a bit." Draco nodded, taking a seat. "I mean, Sir, you aren't serious? You want to add a bakery to the school?

  • Pyro Girl

    Written for the Well this is S t r a n g e challenge by misswhiteblack. Lysander/Molly II.

  • Those Socks

    Sirius tells James that Lily is into muggle gangsters. James, of course, has been lied to and pranked, and ends up wearing a pretty decent costume. Except Lily doesn't like gangsters. And those socks...

  • I Wanted to be Right

    The Book had told me of a magical creature, a boggart, it was called. If I truly loved Harry, the thing I would fear the most would be him. Dead. I was absolutely right, but everything was horrifyingly wrong.

  • The Black Owl

    Written for AliceSpeak's Word/Phrase of the Day challenge.

  • Rays of Sunshine

    The clouds that had been covering the sun seemed to fade a little, and the sun shone brighter. She glanced around to watch him walking away. The light glinted off Scorpius's light hair like rays of sunshine, and she knew.

  • Sweet, Firey Revenge

    If a person wants revenge, it is likely because that person has wronged them in some way. Some way, such as if that person had recently stolen your favorite muggle book. And even worse, such as if that person had set your favorite book on fire. Revenge.

  • Defining Illegal

    "Sirius, not only is your stupid idea against a dozen school rules, it is also considered illegal in the muggle world." "Define illegal," Sirius replied. "Anything that involves setting a herd of flamingos loose in a school, for one!"

  • Speak Now

    Pansy is walking down the aisle. Merlin, I'm going to have to look at that crazed woman's wide eyes everyday. Every single day of the rest of my life. "Please," I say silently, "Kill me, God. Or at least Pansy."

  • The Fortune

    "Paper! There's paper in this thing? What's with these bloody idiots?" Fleur resisted the strong impulse to laugh, though she clutched at her sides to prevent this from happening. P.S. Break it in half and read the fortune before you eat it, Bill.

  • Fear: The Whole Point of Halloween

    "I'm not scared," Hermione tells me. Correction: She is not scared of my costume. However, she is slightly frightened of me, how it's dark. How our arms brush every few moments. How we're completely and utterly by ourselves. Alone.

  • Did You Miss Me?

    "Have it your way," he said, then walked about ten feet away, behind an apple tree, then came back. When he saw her again, his face just lit up, and he exclaimed, "Ginny! I haven't seen you in forever! Or has it been a day? Did you miss me?"

  • The Good Things About October

    Sure, it rains way too much and the leaves- you have to rake them up. The wind is unpredictable, but that doesn't really matter. Reviews appreciated highly, as this is my first Draco/Ginny. :

  • Her Initiation

    "Your Task..." Katie mused, lightbulbs flashing on and off in her head. What to do, what to do...And then she knew. "Your Task, Hermione Granger, is to ask this boy that you hate, Draco Malfoy, to marry you."

  • Treated Like a Princess

    She felt someone breathing practically down her neck, and she ignored whoever it was. "Wow- it's so quiet! You guys used to be the fun table," said the voice, and she turned around to tell them to piss off, but it was...Scorpius Malfoy?

  • My Secret Best Friend, Luna

    Well, I had seen her before, but this...this was different. Luna gave me a small smile as we walked past, but no one noticed. No one except me. That night I was banging my head on the wall for not smiling back.

  • Soccer Equals Smiles

    Written for the FreeVerse Competition by Mystii, Lavender Brown/Dean Thomas.

  • Can't Fight This Feeling

    On his way to class, he sees Luna Lovegood. Luna Lovegood, walking gracefully down the hall. Luna Lovegood, her shiny hair waving down her back. Luna Lovegood, with an apple in her hand. A scarlet, shiny, juicy, beautiful apple...