• Sherlock Holmes Should NEVER Be Bored

    My interpretation of an average day for Sherlock with no cases. Sherlock POV. Note!: This story was written staccato for the purpose of humor. New Chapter is up!

  • Cumber What?

    Sherlock finds an... Interesting video on YouTube. Sesame Street is involved. Ought The World's Only Consulting Detective like Sesame Street? I should think not.

  • Last Night

    Sherlock and John got drunk last night. Bad. They end up in Buckingham Palace with Mycroft. Absurdity ensues.

  • Vacation Planner Dragons

    Why was Smaug looking at vacation homes before 'Musings of a Dragon? Now we know! This can stand alone, but I would highly recommend reading 'Musings of a Dragon' afterwards. WARNINGS: This crossover has many more than the listed franchises- I went from Hunger Games to Peter Pan. Not beta'd- please forgive misspells. Rated K because I always seem to rate higher than required.

  • Musings of a Dragon

    What does Smaug do in his spare time? Surf the web for vacation houses, of course! REWORKED because I'm weird that way.

  • Needlepoint

    Khan reflects on the events of STID